PoliTO-EERI Student Chapter

Welcome to the Politecnico di Torino Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. We are a student chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) headquartered at the Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

Group Presentation

Letter of Approval

Becoming an EERI member

We invite every student of PoliTO interested in Earthquake Engineering to become a member of EERI. Details on the benefits of becoming an EERI member can be found here.
PoliTO-EERI holds a meeting at the beginning of every academic year in order to explain the benefits and procedure of enrolling as an EERI member. Applications will be distributed during this meeting that can be filled out and submitted to our officers. You can also become an EERI member at any time of the year by following these steps:

  1. Download and print the EERI student membership form from the following link: http://www.eeri.org/membership/Student_app.pdf
  2. Fill out the form by also selecting the type of membership you want.
  3. Write a check payable to EERI for the amount of money corresponding to the membership you selected in step 2.
  4. Attach the check to your form and have your form signed by your advisor. If you do not yet have an advisor the faculty advisor of PoliTO-EERI can have it signed for you. Either contact him directly or contact one of the PoliTO-EERI officers and we will do that for you.
  5. Send your form and check to the following address through regular mail:
    499 14th Street Suite 320
    Oakland, CA 94612-1934 USA


Please use the links above to navigate through our site. This website is a constant work in progress and is updated frequently, so check back for new information! We hope you enjoy your visit!