by Paul Breiding (,
This notebook is a tutorial for Tensorlab, a MATLAB toolbox for tensor computations by Vervliet, Debals, Sorber, Van Barel and De Lathauwer.
You can download Tensorlab at
(the pictures in this tutorial are taken from the Tensorlab manual.)
Tensorlab installation: unzip the files into a folder and add the folder to your current MATLAB session:
Tensorlab provides functions for computing with tensors.
In this tutorial we will go through the functions for multilinear multiplication and consider algorithms for computing three types of tensor decompositions:
Recall that for $S\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d}$ and $U_i\in\mathbb{R}^{m_i \times n_i}$ the multilinear multiplication is defined as follows: let $e_i$ denote the standard basis vectors and write $A=\sum s_{i_1,\ldots,i_d} \,e_{i_1}\otimes \cdots\otimes e_{i_d}$. Then
$$ (U_1,\cdots,U_d)\,s := \sum a_{i_1,\ldots,i_d} s_{i_1,\ldots,i_d}\,(M_1e_{i_1})\otimes \cdots\otimes (M_de_{i_d}).$$
% generate a random tensor
S = rand(2,2,2)
% generate random matrices
U1 = rand(4,2); U2 = rand(4,2); U3 = rand(2,2);
% multilinear multiplication (U1, U2, U3) S
S0 = tmprod(S, {U1, U2, U3}, 1:3)
% print the sizes of the two tensors
['S has format ' num2str(size(S)) ' and S0=(U1,U2,U3)S has format ' num2str(size(S0))]
Reminder: the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix $T\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ ($n\leq m$): $T = U \,\Sigma \,V^T, \text{ where } \Sigma = \mathrm{diag}(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_m)$ and where $U\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m}, V\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$ have orthonormal columns and $\sigma_1\geq \cdots\geq \sigma_m\geq 0$ are the singular values.
The rank of $T$ is the number of non-zero singular values.
The best rank-$r$ approximation $S$ to $T$ is $S = U \,\mathrm{diag}(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_r,0,\ldots,0) \,V^T = WW^TT,$ where $W\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times r}$ is the matrix consisting of the first $r$ columns of $U$.
The idea behind MLSVD is to compute the SVDs of the flattenings of a tensor:
$$\text{For } 1\leq i\leq d: \; T\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1 \times \cdots \times n_d} \;\stackrel{\text{reshape}}{\longrightarrow}\; T_{(i)}\in\mathbb{R}^{n_i \times (\prod_{j\neq i} n_j)}.$$
% Consider, for instance, the following 3x2x2 tensor T
% T will act as a running example throughout this presentation
T(:,:,1) = [0.2582 0.2622;0.4087 0.5949; 0.5959 0.2622];
T(:,:,2) = [0.5261 0.5244;0.8174 1.1898;1.1898 0.5244]
Let us compute the matricization $T_{(1)}$ and its SVD.
% the following two scripts do the same thing:
% script 1
T1 = tens2mat(T, 1); %compute the flattening in the first mode
[U Sigma] = svd(T1); %compute the SVD of T1
T_first = tmprod(T, {U'}, [1]) %compress T
% script 2
[Us, S, sv] = mlsvd(T); % Compute the MLSVD
U = Us{1}; % extract the first U
T_second = tmprod(T, {U'}, [1]) % compress T
% compare outputs
['The frobenius distance between the two transformed tensors is ' num2str(frob(T_first - T_second))]
Let $T\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d}$. The multilinear rank $(r_1,\ldots,r_d)$ of $T$ is defined by $r_i:=\mathrm{rank}(T_{(i)})$.
What is the ml-rank of $T$? Let us plot the singular values of the three matricizations.
for n = 1:3
subplot(1,6,2*n); semilogy(sv{n}, '.-', 'MarkerSize', 25); ylim([1e-4 10]);
It seems that $T$ is almost of ml-rank $(2,2,1)$. This motivates the following definition.
Let $T\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d}$ and let the SVD of the $i$-th flattening be $ T_{(i)} = U_i \Sigma_i, V_i^T.$
The rank-$(r_1,\ldots,r_d)$ low multilinear rank approximation (LMLRA) of $T$ is the tuple
$$(W_1,\ldots,W_d, S)\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times r_1}\times \cdots\times \mathbb{R}^{n_d\times r_d} \times \mathbb{R}^{r_1\times \cdots\times r_d}, \text{ where }$$
(so that $W_iW_i^TT_{(i)}$ is the best rank $r_i$-approximation of $T_{(i)}$).
Benefit of an $(r_1,\ldots,r_d)$ LMLRA: storing $\prod_{i=1}^d r_i + \sum_{i=1}^d n_ir_i$ numbers vs. storing $\prod_{i=1}^d n_i$ many numbers. The next theorem shows the quality of LMLRA.
Let $(W_1,\ldots,W_d, S)$ be the the rank-$(r_1,\ldots,r_d)$ LMLRA of $T\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d}$. Then,
$$\Vert T-(W_1,\ldots,W_d)\,S\Vert \leq \sqrt{d}\,\min\limits_{C\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d} \text{ has ml-rank } (r_1,\ldots,r_d)} \Vert A-C\Vert.$$
Let us compute the rank-$(2,2,1)$ LMLRA of $T$ and see how well $T$ was approximated.
% compute the (2,2,1)-MLSVD approximation
[U, S, sv] = mlsvd(T, [2, 2, 1]);
%generate the tensor from the tuple (U_1,U_2,U_3,S)
B = lmlragen(U,S) ;
%compute the relative error of the approximation
['The relative error of the LMLRA of T is ' num2str(frob(T-B) / frob(T))]
Let $T\in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots\times n_d}$ and $r = ((r_1^1,\ldots,r_d^1), \ldots, (r_1^R,\ldots,r_d^R))$ be a $R$-tuple of $d$-tuples of positive integers. We call the decomposition $T = T_1 + \cdots + T_R$ a $r$-block term decomposition (BTD) of $A$, if $\text{ml-rank}(T_i)=(r_1^i,\ldots,r_d^i)$. The smallest such $R$ is called the BTD-rank of $T$.
Goal of BTD: find the best $r$-block term approximation; i.e. compute
$$ \min_{B \text{ has an } r-\text{BTD}}\Vert T-B\Vert.$$
Unlike for the LMLRA we have no direct method for solving this approximation problem. Tensorlab provides an optimization algorithm for solving this problem. In a nutshell, this algorithm solves the gradient equation of $\,f(B)=\frac{1}{2}\Vert T-B\Vert^2$ using a Riemann-Newton method. This method requires an initial decomposition (and hence requires specification of the rank $R$).
See also Absil, Mahony, Sepulchre (2008): Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds.
% define size of the tensor T
size_tens = [3 2 2];
% define ml-ranks of the decomposition
r = {[2 2 2],[2 2 2],[2 2 1]};
% generate a random BTD, which can serve as initial point
U = btd_rnd(size_tens, r);
% compute a block term approximation of T with initial decomposition U
T0 = btd_nls(T, U);
% Compare the decomposition with T
['The relative error of the BTD approximation of T is ' num2str(frob(T - btdgen(T0)) / frob(T))]
The CPD expresses a tensor $T\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1\times \cdots \times n_d}$ as a sum of rank-one tensors: $T = \sum_{i=1}^R a_1^i\otimes \cdots \otimes a_d^i.$ The smallest $R$, for which such a decomposition is possible, is called the rank of $T$. Tensorlab's data structure for dealing with CPDs are cells of factor matrices.
The factor matrices of the decomposition $T = \sum_{i=1}^R\, a_1^i\otimes \cdots \otimes a_d^i$ are $A_1:= [a_1^1, \ldots, a_1^R] \in \mathbb{R}^{n_1\times R}, \,\ldots,\, A_d:= [a_d^1, \ldots, a_d^R]\in \mathbb{R}^{n_d\times R}.$
Let us make an example
% define a rank
R = 2;
% sample random factor matrices with R columns
A = rand(2, R);
B = rand(3, R);
C = rand(2, R);
% create the rank-2 2x3x2 tensor with factor matrices A,B,C
cpdgen({A, B, C})
Tensorlab's high-level command for computing CPDs is cpd($\;\cdot\;$):
% compute a rank-3 cpd of T
R = 3;
U = cpd(T, R)
% compute the relative error
['The relative error of the CPD approximation of T is ' num2str(frob(T - cpdgen(U)) / frob(T))]
Algorithms for computing the CPD in Tensorlab are
% compute the CPD of T via GEVD. The size of T only allows GEVD for ranks at most 2.
U = cpd_gevd(T, 2)
% compute the relative error
['Using GEVF the relative error of the CPD approximation of T is ' num2str(frob(T - cpdgen(U)) / frob(T))]
cpd_gevd computes the CPD via a generalized eigenvalue decomposition. But this method is numerically unstable and therefore should be used carefully; see
The optimization algorithms solve the optimization problem
$$\min_{\text{factor matrices } A_1,\ldots, A_d} \; \frac{1}{2} \,\Vert T - \sum_{i=1}^R\, a_1^i\otimes \cdots \otimes a_d^i\Vert^2.$$
Let us decompose $T$ with cpd_als and cpd_nls.
R = 3;
% use cpd_nls
U_nls = cpd(T, R, 'Algorithm', @cpd_nls);
% use cpd_als
U_als = cpd(T, R, 'Algorithm', @cpd_als);
% compute the relative errors
['Using cpd_nls the relative error is ' num2str(frob(T - cpdgen(U_nls)) / frob(T))]
['Using cpd_als the relative error is ' num2str(frob(T - cpdgen(U_als)) / frob(T))]
Alternatively, one can call cpd_nls and cpd_als directly, but one has to pass an intial decomposition. The rank is implicitly defined by the number of columns of the factor matrices.
R = 3;
% sample a random decomposition U
U0 = {rand(3,R), rand(2,R), rand(2,R)};
% compute the CPD of T with starting guess U
U = cpd_nls(T, U0);
% compute the relative error
['Using cpd_nls the relative error is ' num2str(frob(T - cpdgen(U)) / frob(T))]
In it was argued that it can be benificial to solve instead the following problem
$$\min_{T_i \,\text{ has rank one}} \; \frac{1}{2} \,\Vert T - \sum_{i=1}^R\, T_i\Vert.$$
In particular, for large differences in the $\Vert T_i\Vert$ solving this optimization problem instead of using factor matrices improves the numerical stability as the following experiment shows.
% !!!
% for the code in this box to work download the ancillary files at
% and add the MATLAB scripts to your session
% !!!
% to make a comparison we must use the two algorithms with the same options
options.AlgorithmOptions.TolFun = 1e-12; % Set function tolerance stop criterion
options.AlgorithmOptions.TolX = 1e-12; % Set step size tolerance stop criterion
options.AlgorithmOptions.MaxIter = 1000; % The maximum number of objective function evaluations.
% define a rank and an array to store the accuracies of the computations
R = 6;
accuracy = zeros(20, 2);
% define scaling factor 5^i for T_i
scaling = arrayfun(@(i) 2^i, 1:R);
for i = 1:20
% generate a random tensor with the above scaling
Y = cpdgen({rand(13,R) * diag(scaling), rand(11,R), rand(9,R)});
% generate a random intial decomposition
U0 = {rand(13,R), rand(11,R), rand(9,R)};
% compute the CPD with optimization on the factor matrices
U_factor_matrices = cpd_nls(Y, U0, options);
% compute the CPD with optimization on the rank-one tensors
U_segre = bv_rgn_hr(Y, U0, options);
% save the errors of the computations
accuracy(i,1) = -log10(frob(Y - cpdgen(U_factor_matrices)) / frob(Y));
accuracy(i,2) = -log10(frob(Y - cpdgen(U_segre)) / frob(Y));
hold on;
legend('optimization with factor matrices','Riemannian optimization');
xlabel('-log(relative error)'); pbaspect([2.5 1 1]);
Tensorlab allows to impose structures on the factors in the optimization algorithms. Structure is imposed on factors by transforming variables $z$ into factors $x$ and optimizing over $z$.
In Tensorlab 3.0 there are 41 structures implemented, such as
The user can also write their own structure function.
Furthermore, with SDF the user can solve coupled problems.
Let us consider the GeoLife GPS Trajectories data set from Microsoft Research (also available as Tensorlab demo).
The dataset contains the tensor UserLocAct, which has as entries the counts of 164 users in 168 locations doing 5 activities. A CPD of this tensor can be interpreted as the decomposition of the join probability distribution of the random variable (User, Location, Activity) into a mixture of independence models.
% load the dataset
% compute a rank-2 CPD of the data
U = cpd(UserLocAct, 2);
% compute the relative error
['The relative error of the approximation is ' num2str(frob(UserLocAct - cpdgen(U)) / frob(UserLocAct))]
Problem: The factors in the CPD can only be interpreted as independence models, if their entries are nonnegative. Let us impose the structure "nonnegative" on the factors in the CPD. In Tensorlab this is done as follows: first one initializes a struct with the data.
% initialize the model
model = struct;
% add the data to the model "nonnegative" = UserLocAct;
Then, the variables are the defined. We start with a rank $R=2$ decomposition. The factors are defined as positive variables.
R = 2;
model.variables.u = rand(164,R); % variable u
model.variables.l = rand(168,R); % variable l
model.variables.a = rand(5,R); % variable a
model.factors.U = {'u', @struct_nonneg}; % declare nonnegative factor U dependend on variable u
model.factors.L = {'l', @struct_nonneg}; % declare nonnegative factor L dependend on variable l
model.factors.A = {'a', @struct_nonneg}; % declare nonnegative factor A dependend on variable a
Now, we can compute a CPD of the model.
% add a CPD to the model.
model.factorizations.nonnegative.cpd = {'U','L','A'};
% solve the model
sol = sdf_nls(model)
% extract the factors
f = sol.factors
U = {f.U, f.L, f.A};
% compute the relative error
['The relative error of the approximation is ' num2str(frob(UserLocAct - cpdgen(U)) / frob(UserLocAct))]
Consider now the following problem: we wish to decompose UserLocAct as before, but in addition we would like to compute the coupled interactions between users and users, and locations and users. With SDF it is possible to solve coupled models.
% as above we first define variables and factors
model = struct;
% define variables
R = 2;
model.variables.u = rand(164,R);
model.variables.l = rand(168,R);
model.variables.a = rand(5,R);
model.variables.duu = rand(1,R);
model.variables.dul = rand(1,R);
% define factors
model.factors.U = {'u', @struct_nonneg};
model.factors.L = {'l', @struct_nonneg};
model.factors.A = {'a', @struct_nonneg};
model.factors.DUU = {'duu', @struct_nonneg};
model.factors.DUL = {'dul', @struct_nonneg};
% Instead of one factorization, we simply write three factorizations into the model.
% factorization 1 = UserLocAct;
model.factorizations.fac1.cpd = {'U','L','A'};
% factorization 2 = UserUser;
model.factorizations.fac2.cpd = {'U','U','DUU'};
% factorization 3 = UserLoc;
model.factorizations.fac3.cpd = {'U','L','DUL'};
We can now solve the model with sdf_solve.
% solve the model
sol = sdf_nls(model);
% extract the computed factors
f = sol.factors;
% error of the 1st factorization
U1 = {f.U, f.L, f.A};
['The relative error in the first factorization is ' num2str(frob(UserLocAct - cpdgen(U1)) / frob(UserLocAct))]
% error of the 2nd factorization
U2 = {f.U, f.U, f.DUU};
['The relative error in the second factorization is ' num2str(frob(UserUser - cpdgen(U2)) / frob(UserUser))]
% error of the 3rd factorization
U3 = {f.U, f.L, f.DUL};
['The relative error in the third factorization is ' num2str(frob(UserLoc - cpdgen(U3)) / frob(UserLoc))]
For more examples, see the Tensorlab Demos at
(including a long version of the last example). The Tensorlab online manual is available at