Marginalità e memoria come valori progettuali nell’esperienza di Gion A. Caminada a Vrin

Marginalità e memoria come valori progettuali nell’esperienza di Gion A. Caminada a Vrin

Marginality and memory as planning values in Gion A. Caminada’s Vrin


Valerio Botta
Keywords: Ancestral, heritage, memoria, marginality, reinvention
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The article investigate the regeneration design that has had in Vrin, throughout the alpine context. It deals particularly with architect Gion A. Caminada action modalities. Caminada had a main role in Vrin design process in his earlier career. Through the existing anthropic pattern interpretation, the architect has been able to define some useful spatial basics to contemporary living. The Vrin experience give us the possibility to discuss some preeminent topics about the reinvention of architectural past elements that enable us to enhance future life.