Head tracking


Head tracking is important for several application in computer vision, like 3D animation systems, virtual actors, expression analysis, face identification and surveillance systems. Head motion can be used for recognition of simple gestures, like head shaking or nodding, or for capturing a person’s focus of attention, providing a natural cue for human machine interfaces. Also for videoconferencing, encoding the head motion of the speaker according to known standards, like MPEG4 compliant Facial Animation Primitives (FAPs), allows to produce very low bit rate data streams. Many of these applications calls for non intrusive and robust reconstruction techniques from monocular views.


Our approach to head tracking uses a textured 3D head model which is fitted to an image sequence acquired using a single and non-calibrated camera. The model is defined by a polygonal mesh. Fitting process exploits both motion and texture information. Motion information is obtained evaluating the optical flow between two consecutive frames, while texture information is gathered warping the image frame in the texture space of the model. Minimization is achieved applying a steepest descent based algorithm.

After pose reconstruction, each input image is projected on the texture map of the model. The dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face which can be used for further processing tasks, like facial expression analysis and recognition.





In the following sections we will outline the various components of the proposed system.


The model

Our system uses an elliptical model defined by a polygonal mesh (see Fig. 1). This model is not able to reproduce head features, like nose, mouth or accurate face profiles, but allows fast computation and can be easily calibrated according to the user. However, any other polygonal model can be used, regardless its complexity.


Fig. 1: face model


Model motion

The head is a rigid object and has six degrees of freedom (DOF). The first three DOF define the translation of the model. The last three DOF describe the rotations around the x, y and z axes. Therefore, each pose is determined by a vector à containing six values:


à = [tx ty tz rx ry rz]


The projection of the vertices of the model on the image plane is defined by a transformation matrix G(Ã) written in homogenous coordinates. An example of the final result of the transformation applied to the model can be seen in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2: projection of the model on the image plane


Pose reconstruction

The reconstruction problem involves finding for each frame n the vector Ãn which minimizes the differences between model and image features. Those discrepancies are described by an error function E which comprises motion and texture errors. Minimization is obtained applying a steepest-descent based algorithm.

The various components of the error function are detailed in the following sections.


Motion error

Here, the main idea is to match the motion of the model with the corresponding optical flow evaluated from two consecutive images. The optical flow at each point (x,y) of the image is the vector [u,v] which describes the translation of the pixel from the previous image. We can also estimate the model flow as the translation on the image plane of the model vertices, that is the difference between the positions of the projected points between pose Ãn and candidate pose Ãn+1. Since not all the points are visible for both poses, this evaluation must be computed only for the subset of common visible points. Let Vn and Vn+1 be the two subsets, and [uM,i,vM,i] the i-th point estimated displacement vector.

Optical flow is evaluated using a pyramidal version of the Lucas-Kanade algorithm.


Texture error

The idea, again, is to match model and image features, that is the texture map values associated to the projected model points and the values of the current frame. These values are intensity values for achromatic images and RGB triples for color images.


Combining error functions

To combine motion and texture information, the target error function is a weighted sum of the corresponding error functions. The purpose of the weights is to equalize the contribution of the different sources of information.


Finding the optimal pose

Given the error function E, we have to find the pose which minimizes the discrepancies between model and image features. The minimization of the function is obtained applying a steepest-descent based method. The method is iterative and for each iteration the function values corresponding to translations of ±dt and rotations of ±dr for x, y and z are evaluated. The transformation giving the best improvement of the error value is selected for the next iteration. When no improvement can be obtained, the values of dt and dr are reduced by a factor two and the process is iterated. The algorithm is stopped when the deltas are lower than a predefined threshold or a maximum number of iterations has been performed. In order to cope with large head motion we apply an head motion estimation procedure on each frame of the sequence before the error function minimization begins. The motion estimation works as follows. A 2D translation vector, given by the mean value of the optical flow of the visible model points, is evaluated in the image plane. This translation vector is projected on the plane passing through the center of the object and parallel to the image plane (see Fig. 3). The 3D vector obtained is used as initial translation of the model.


Fig. 3: head motion estimation


Image warping

When the optimal pose has been found, the content of the current image is warped into the texture map of the model. The warping function is the inverse of the texture mapping function. The warped image produces a stabilized view of the face, which can be used for further processing, like face expression analysis and reconstruction.

Some results of the tracking process can be seen in Fig. 4, where the input image, the reconstructed posture and the dynamic texture are shown for several frames.



The reconstruction process needs to know with a good precision the initial position and orientation of the model. So far, this step requires user intervention to align the face model to the head in the video images and to modify the size of the model.



Fig. 4: results of tracking on several frames of a test sequence,

including original image (first column),

superimposed reconstructed pose (second column) and dynamic texture map (last column)




In order to perform a quantitative analysis of the performances of our system, we have tested the described approach on several input video sequences. Each sequence contains 200 frames whose size is 320×240 pixels. The data used show different performers and typical head movements, including large head translation and rotation. Ground truth for position and orientation of the head for each sequence have been acquired using a magnetic sensor. Those sequences are available by courtesy of the Image and Video Computing Group of the Boston University.

Only the rotational values of the ground truth data have been used for comparison with our results. As a matter of facts, the translation values refer to the location of the magnetic marker, which is placed on the back side of the head. Since in most of the sequences the marker itself is completely hidden we have no way to guess its position with a sufficient precision.

The reconstruction looks very stable for xyz translation and for rotation around z axis, while the system error increases when reconstructing large head rotations around x and y axes. This is due to the fact that translation in the xy plane and x or y rotations produce similar effects in the image plane. Another drawback is that, for large x and y rotations, the discrepancies between head profile and ellipsoidal model become relevant. Better results might be obtained using synthesized head-like surfaces. We are currently investigating this point.

Results are plotted in Table 1 for several input sequences. The first three columns show the mean reconstruction error in degrees for rotations around x, y and z axes, while the last three columns show the maximal reconstruction error for all the sequences. As can be seen the best average results range between 1.32 and 2.76 degrees. It should be noted, however, that the mean errors on x and y increase drastically when the sequence analyzed contains large and fast variations of their values (as can be seen for sequences Jam 5, Jam 6, Jam 7 and Jam 8). On the contrary, all the sequences where z rotation is conspicuous are reconstructed with good precision (such as Jam 1 and Jam 9). This observation is also underlined by the fact that the worst average reconstruction error for z value does not exceed 4 degrees.







X max

Y max

Z max

Jam 1







Jam 2







Jam 3







Jam 4







Jam 5







Jam 6







Jam 7







Jam 8







Jam 9







Table 1: mean and maximal angular reconstruction errors in degrees

Concerning reconstruction time, the current implementation runs at about 15 frame/sec on a Pentium III 500 Mhz. This value is nearly constant for all the tested sequences despite the iterative nature of the reconstruction algorithm. It should be noted, however, that the code is not optimized and the reconstruction time includes also the time spent in reading and decoding the video stream. Discarding acquisition time, the mean reconstruction rate is about 30 frame/sec. Considerable improvements can be expected exploiting graphical hardware, like OpenGl accelerators, to perform model transformation and image warping, which account for 20% of the execution time.