Giuseppe Di Pierro received the M.Eng. degree (with honors) in mechanical engineering from the
Politecnico di Torino in 2016. He joined the faculty as Research Assistant, where later he started
his current position as Ph.D. candidate, in cooperation with FEV Europe GmbH. As a researcher,
he works for the German provider in filling the gap between vehicle experimental testing and
vehicle simulation for a pre-development phase, via a standardized and integrated methodology.
Previously he has worked as intern in Toyota Motor Europe, Belgium, where he developed his
final project about “Diesel Spray Calibration and Combustion Analysis via 3D CFD Simulation”.
His main areas of research interest are related to hybrid electric vehicles: vehicle system
benchmarking and modeling, together with design, control and optimization strategies for
different powertrain configurations.
Relevant experience
During his PhD, Giuseppe has supported several testing and benchmarking activities on Hybrid
and Full electric Vehicles, both in FEV Italy and Germany. He also worked as Visiting
Researcher for the EU Joint Research Center (JRC), testing electrified vehicles for regulatory
Presentation at International Conference
Di Pierro, G., Millo, F., Scassa, M., and Perazzo, A., "An Integrated Methodology for 0D
Map-Based Powertrain Modelling Applied to a 48 V Mild-Hybrid Diesel Passenger Car,"
SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-1659, 2018, https://doi.org/10.4271/2018-01-1659.
“Ball don’t lie!” (by Rasheed Abdul “Sheed” Wallace)