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Laboratory of Theoretical and Experimental Superconductive Tunnelling

photograph of Giovanni Ummarino
Giovanni Alberto Cesare Ummarino
AddressDepartment of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (TO) - Italy
Telephone:+39 011 090 7313 (office)    
Fax:+39 011 090 7399
E-mail addressgiovanni.ummarino_at_infm.polito.it
Present positionAssistant Professor
Work and research experience
20002003Researcher of the Italian National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM) -  research in theory of superconductivity
19971999Post-doc fellowship at Politecnico di Torino -  research in theory of superconductivity
19941996PhD in Physics at Politecnico di Torino - research in theory of superconductivity
19921993Scholarship at “Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris” (Torino) - research on magnetic properties of materials, prof Giorgio Bertotti
19901991Teacher of Mathematics and Physics in high schools and research collaboration with Turin University in the field of General Relativity
PhD in Physics
Politecnico di Torino
1989Master Degree in Physics
Università di Torino
Affiliation to Scientific Societies or Associations or
Since 2005
Affiliated to the “Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze fisiche della Materia” (CNISM)

From 1998 to 2004
Affiliated to the Italian Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM)
Summary of Research Activity

- Theoretical activity in the field of condensed matter physics and in particular superconductivity

- Numerical solution of complex integral-differential coupled equations and related technicalities

- Interpretation of experimental data from point-contact spectroscopy, specific-heat measurements, resistivity measurements, microwave absorption, etc. within different theories for superconductivity (e.g. BCS, Eliashberg, Ginzburg-Landau)

In more detail,  my specific research includes:


1) Theoretical and experimental study high-temperature superconductors (Bi2Sr2Ca2CO8-x, La2-xSrxCuO4-x, YBa2Cu3O7-x, RuSr2GdCu2O8) by means of tunnel spectroscopy and Josephson spectroscopy


2) Solution of the Eliashberg equations in the imaginary-axis and real-axis formulations, generalized to the case of:

- different symmetries of the order parameter (s,d, s+d, d+id and so on);

- finite bandwidth;

- non half filling;

- non constant normal density of state

-breakdown of the Migdal theorem

-multiband case


3) Theoretical study of other superconducting systems like borocarbides (YNi2B2C), fullerene (C60, Rb3C60), zirconium dodecaboride (ZrB12) and comparison with experimental data from tunnel and point-contact spectroscopies.


4) Extended theoretical study of two-band superconductivity in magnesium diboride (MgB2), in particular:

- Study of the effects of chemical doping with Al and C on the critical temperature and the  gaps, and comparison of the results with experimental data from point-contact  spectroscopy and specific-heat measurements

- study of the effects of magnetic impurities (Mn) on the spin-flip scattering channels  (intraband and interband) and consequent effects on the values of the order parameters

- study of the magnetic penetration length from measurements of microwave absorption in thin films


5) Theoretical study on mechanism of superconductivity in radioactive material PuCoGa5 and NpPdAl5


6) Theoretical study on mechanism of superconductivity in new iron-arsenides based materials


7) General Relativity.

Supervision of PhD Students2012-2014
Generalization of the Eliashberg equations and Density Functional Theory applied to the analysis of the fundamental properties of iron-based superconductors
(Sara Galasso)

The aforementioned research has led to about 110 publications international journals, cited about 1200 times (sources: Web of Science, Scopus: updated to Jan 2015)

List of publications (archive of Politecnico di Torino)

LaTEST - Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (TO) - Italy
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