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Laboratory of Theoretical and Experimental Superconductive Tunnelling

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2013-2014Core Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, Research. Project Title: "Unraveling the Pairing Symmetry of Fe-Based Superconductors via Phase-Sensitive Point-Contact Experiments".
Scholar: Mauro Tortello
2014-2017PRIN Project of the Italian Ministry of University and Research: "RIDEIRON: Using controlled disorder to investigate the mechanims of iron-based superconductors".
Local scientific manager:  R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 5: Torino – Politecnico).
2011-2014EU-Japan Collaborative Project "IRON SEA: Establishing the basic science and technology for Iron-based superconducting electronic applications"
Local scientific manager:  R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 4: Torino – Politecnico).
2010-2012PRIN Project of the Italian Ministry of University and Research on "High Tc superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors: a new challenge for research"
Local scientific manager:  R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 2: Torino – Politecnico).
2008"Seed" Project 2007 of the National Interuniversitary Consortium for the Physical Sciences of Matter (CNISM) -  Progetto d’innesco della ricerca esplorativa anno 2007 - "Electric-field modulation of superconductivity in MgB2 films on suspended SiN membranes"
Principal Investigator: D. Daghero
2006-2008PRIN Project of the Italian Ministry of University and Research on "Multiband superconductivity: MgB2 and beyond"
Local scientific manager:  R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 2: Torino – Politecnico).
2004-2006PRIN Project of the Italian Ministry of University and Research "Two-gap superconductivity in MgB2: role of disorder"
Local scientific manager: 
R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 2: Torino – Politecnico).
2003-2004:Two-year research project (FIRB: Fondi Integrativi per la Ricerca di Base) on “Superconducting nanoelectronics of magnesium diboride-based heterostrusctures”.
Full project manager: R.S. Gonnelli.
2002-2004:Three-year research project of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) on “MgB2-based Josephson junctions for space applications of superconducting microwave detectors”.
Full project manager: R.S. Gonnelli.
2002-2003: Two-year advanced research project (PRA) of the INFM on “Understanding MgB2: Research and Applications”.
Local scientific manager: R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 3: Torino – Politecnico).
2002-2004:INTAS network (EC) Project on “Charge transport in metal-diboride thin films and heterostructures” with participants from The Netherlands, Israel, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia and Tajikistan.
Local scientific manager for Italy: R.S. Gonnelli.
1999-2001:Three-year advanced research project (PRA) of the INFM on “Spectroscopic studies of the pseudogap in underdoped high-Tc superconductors”.
Local scientific manager: R.S. Gonnelli (Partner 4: Torino – Politecnico).
1993-1995:Two-year research contract of A.S.P. (Associazione per lo Sviluppo Scientifico e Tecnologico del Piemonte) for the “Realization of a cryogenic scanning tunnel microscope”.
Full project manager: R. S. Gonnelli.
1990-1994:Project: “Superconduttori ad Alta Temperatura di transizione (SAT) of the INFM.
Local scientific manager of the Unit Research of Politecnico di Torino: R.S. Gonnelli.
1989-1993:Four-year research contract of the CNR: “Realization of a data acquisition system for multisensorial biomagnetic instrumentation”.
Full project manager: R.S. Gonnelli
1987-1989:Two-year research project of Regione Piemonte (Assessorato alla Sanità) on: “Study of the magnetic fields of the isolated mammal heart” (biomagnetism).
Full project manager: R.S. Gonnelli

LaTEST - Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (TO) - Italy