Publications earlier than 2000


O. Mauritz, G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Local Optical Spectroscopy in Quantum Confined Systems: A Theoretical Description, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 847 (1999).

P. Zanardi and F. Rossi, Subdecoherent information encoding in a quantum-dot array, Phys. Rev.B 59, 8170 (1999).

M. Rontani, F. Rossi, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari, Coulomb correlation effects in semiconductor quantum dots: The role of dimensionality, Phys. Rev.B 59, 10165 (1999).

U. Hohenester, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Few-particle effects in the optical spectra of semiconductor quantum dots, Solid State Commun. 111, 187 (1999).

S. Barbieri, F. Beltram, and F. Rossi, Microscopic theory of vertical-transport phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures: Interplay between two- and three-dimensional hot-carrier relaxation, Phys. Rev. B 60, 1953 (1999).

M. Rontani, F. Rossi, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari, Multiple quantum phases in artificial double-dot molecules, Solid State Commun. 112, 151 (1999).

M. Rontani, F. Rossi, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari, Theory of addition spectra in double quantum dots: Single-particle tunneling vs. Coulomb interactions, in Mat. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings, edited by S.C. Moss, volume 571 (1999) p. 179.

F. Rossi, G. Goldoni, O. Mauritz, and E. Molinari, Theory of excitonic confinement in semiconductor quantum wires, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11, 5969 (1999).

F. Rossi, Ultrafast carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures: interplay between coherence and relaxation, Superlattices and Microstructures 26, 129 (1999).

U. Hohenester, R. Di Felice, E. Molinari, and F. Rossi, Optical spectra of nitride quantum dots: Quantum confinement and electron-hole coupling, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 3449 (1999).

A.V. Kavokin, G. Malpuech, A. Di Carlo, M. Vladimirova, P. Lugli, and F. Rossi, Optical polarization grating in semiconductors induced by exciton-polaritons, Phys. Rev.B 60, 15554 (1999).

G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Strong exciton binding in hybrid GaAs-based nanostructures, Physica B 272, 518 (1999).

A.V. Kavokin, G. Malpuech, A. Di Carlo, M. Vladimirova, P. Lugli, and F. Rossi, Excitonic polarization grating in semiconductors induced by short light pulses, Physica B 272, 509 (1999).

A.Kavokin, G. Malpuech, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli, and F. Rossi, Photon Bloch oscillations in laterally-confined Bragg mirrors, Physica B 272, 491 (1999).

P. Zanardi and F. Rossi, Quantum information in semiconductor-based nanostructures, Physica B 272, 57 (1999).

U. Hohenester, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Excitonic and biexcitonic effects in the coherent optical response of semiconductor quantum dots, physica B 272, 1 (1999).

F. Rossi, A. Di Carlo, and P. Lugli, Microscopic theory of quantum-transport phenomena in open systems: Interplay between coherence and relaxation, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

A. Ruini, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, R.B. Capaz, and M.J. Caldas, Coulomb-correlated optical properties of semiconductor conjugated polymers, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

O. Mauritz, G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Local absorption by confined excitons in quantum wires, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

M. Rontani, F. Rossi, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari, Coulomb correlation in the addition spectra of single and coupled quantum dots, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

S. Barbieri, F. Beltram, and F. Rossi, Vertical transport in semiconductor heterostructures: Interplay between 2D and 3D hot-carrier relaxation, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

P. Zanardi and F. Rossi, Semiconductor-based Quantum Information: Dechoherence-Free Encoding in a Quantum-Dot Array, in Proc. 24th ICPS, Jerusalem, Israel, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).

F. Dolcini and A. Montorsi, Extended Hubbard Hamiltonian with (super)symmetries: Additive polynomial R-matrix for some integrable cases, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B13, 2953 (1999).


F. Rossi and E. Molinari, Coulomb induced suppression of band-edge singularities in the optical spectra of realistic quantum wires, in Highlights INFM 1996/1997 (INFM, Genova, 1998) p. 58.

F. Rossi, Bloch oscillations and Wannier-Stark localization in semiconductor superlattices, in Theory of Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures, edited by E. Schoell (Chapman & Hall, London, 1998) p. 283.

F. Rossi, topical review on: Coherent phenomena in semiconductors, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 13, 147 (1998).

M. Rontani, F. Rossi, F. Manghi, and E. Molinari, Addition energies in semiconductor quantum dots: Role of electron-electron interaction, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 957 (1998).

F. Rossi, A. Di Carlo, and P. Lugli, Microscopic Theory of Quantum-Transport Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems: A Monte Carlo Approach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3348 (1998).

G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Strong Exciton Binding in Quantum Structures through Remote Dielectric Confinement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4995 (1998).

M. Mazzer, M. De Giorgi, R. Cingolani, G. Porello, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Engineering the strain field for the control of quantum confinement: An analytical model for arbitrary shape nanostructures, J. Appl. Phys. 84, 3437 (1998).

M. Gurioli, P. Borri, M. Colocci, M. Gulia, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, P.E. Selbmann, and P. Lugli, Exciton formation and relaxation in GaAs epilayers, Phys. Rev. B 58, 13403 (1998).

P. Zanardi and F. Rossi, Quantum Information in Semiconductors: Noiseless Encoding in a Quantum-Dot Array, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4752 (1998).

J. Tignon, O. Heller, Ph. Roussignol, J. Martinez-Pastor, P. Lelong, G. Bastard, R.C. Iotti, L.C. Andreani, V. Thierry-Mieg, and R. Planel, Excitonic recombination dynamics in shallow quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 58, 7076 (1998).

R.C. Iotti, L.C. Andreani, and M. Di Ventra, Tight-binding approach to excitons bound to monolayer impurity planes: strong radiative properties of InAs in GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 57, R15072 (1998).

L.C. Andreani, R.C. Iotti, R. Schwabe, F. Pietag, V. Gottschalch, A. Bitz, and J.-L. Staehli, Minimum of oscillator strength of excitons in ultra-narrow GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells: theory and experiment, Physica E 2, 151 (1998).


G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, and A. Fasolino, Band structure and optical anisotropy in V-shaped and T-shaped semiconductor quantum wires, Phys. Rev. B 55, 7110 (1997).

F. Rossi, G. Goldoni, and E. Molinari, Shape-Independent Scaling of Excitonic Confinement in Realistic Quantum Wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3527 (1997).

J. Hader, T. Meier, S.W. Koch, F. Rossi, and N. Linder, Microscopic theory of the intracollisional field effect in semiconductor superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 55, 13799 (1997).

M. Gulia, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, P.E. Selbmann, and P. Lugli, Phonon-Assisted Exciton Formation and Relaxation in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. B 55, 16049 (1997).

G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Quantum interference in nanometric devices: Ballistic transport across arrays of T-shaped quantum wires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1519 (1997).

F. Rossi and L. Varani, Microscopic Simulation of Electronic Noise in Semiconductor Superlattices, in Proc. ICNF-97 (Leuven, Belgium, 1997) p. 156.

M. Gulia, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, P.E. Selbmann, F. Compagnone, and P. Lugli, Phonon-Assisted Exciton Formation and Relaxation: Bulk and Two-Dimensional Systems, phys. stat. sol.(b) 204, 223 (1997).

F. Rossi and E. Molinari, Coulomb-Correlation Effects on the Non-Linear Optical Properties of Realistic Quantum Wires, phys. stat. sol.(b) 204, 241 (1997).

S. Ragazzi, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli, and F. Rossi, Analysis of Quantum-Transport Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems: A Monte Carlo Approach, phys. stat. sol.(b) 204, 339 (1997).

G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, and E. Molinari, Excitonic Effects in Quantum Wires, phys. stat. sol.(a) 164, 265 (1997).

R.C. Iotti and L.C. Andreani, Crossover from strong to weak confinement for excitons in shallow or narrow quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 56, 3922 (1997).

R.C. Iotti, M.Di Ventra, and L.C. Andreani, Microscopic Theory of Wannier-Mott excitons bound to monolayer insertions: the InAs in GaAs case, phys. stat. sol. (a) 16, 129 (1997).


F. Rossi, E. Molinari, R. Rinaldi, and R. Cingolani, V-grooved quantum wires as prototypes of 1D-systems: Single particle properties and correlation effects, Solid State Electron. 40, 249 (1996).

A. Leitenstorfer, T. Elsaesser, F. Rossi, T. Kuhn, W. Klein, G. Boehm, G. Traenkle, and G.W. Weimann, Coherent optical generation of nonequilibrium electrons studied via band-to-acceptor luminescence in GaAs, Phys. Rev.B 53, 9876 (1996).

F. Rossi and E. Molinari, Coulomb-Induced Suppression of Band-Edge Singularities in the Optical Spectra of Realistic Quantum-Wire Structures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3642 (1996).

S. Haas, F. Rossi, and T. Kuhn, Generalized Monte Carlo approach for the study of the coherent ultrafast carrier dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors, Phys. Rev.B 53, 12855 (1996).

R. Rinaldi, P.V. Giugno, R. Cingolani, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, U. Marti, and F.K. Reinhart, Thermal ionization of excitons in V-shaped quantum wires, Phys. Rev.B 53, 13710 (1996).

N. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, F. Rossi, and C. Jacoboni, Convergency of the Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Solution of the Wigner Quantum Transport Equation, Mathl. Comput. Modeling 23, 159 (1996).

P.E. Selbmann, M. Gulia, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, and P. Lugli, Dynamics of Exciton Formation and Relaxation in Semiconductors, in Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, edited by K. Hess, J.P. Leburton, and U. Ravaioli (Plenum Press, New York, 1996) p. 19.

F. Rossi, T. Meier, P. Thomas, S. W. Koch, P. E. Selbmann, and E. Molinari, Phonon-Induced Suppression of Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices: A Monte Carlo Investigation, in Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, edited by K. Hess, J.P. Leburton, and U. Ravaioli (Plenum Press, New York, 1996) p. 157.

T. Meier, F. Rossi, K.-C. Je, J. Hader, P. Thomas, and S. W. Koch, On the Observability of Dynamic Localization in Semiconductor Superlattices using Optical Spectroscopy, in Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, edited by K. Hess, J.P. Leburton, and U. Ravaioli (Plenum Press, New York, 1996) p. 195.

T. Kuhn, F. Rossi, A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, T. Elsaesser, W. Klein, G. Boehm, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann, The Role of Coherence in the Photogeneration Process of Hot Carriers, in Hot Carriers in Semiconductors, edited by K. Hess, J.P. Leburton, and U. Ravaioli (Plenum Press, New York, 1996) p. 199.

F. Rossi and E. Molinari, Linear and nonlinear optical properties of realistic quantum-wire structures: The dominant role of Coulomb correlation, Phys. Rev.B 53, 16462 (1996).

D. Brinkmann, F. Rossi, S.W. Koch, and P. Thomas, Phonon-induced dephasing of localized optical excitations, Phys. Rev.B 54, 2561 (1996).

P.E. Selbmann, M. Gulia, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, and P. Lugli, Coupled free-carrier and exciton relaxation in optically excited semiconductors, Phys. Rev.B 54, 4660 (1996).

M. Gulia, P.E. Selbmann, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, and P. Lugli, On Selective Exciton Formation in GaAs Bulk and Quantum Wells, in The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 333.

F. Rossi and E. Molinari, Coulomb-Correlation Effects on the Non-Linear Optical Properties of Realistic Quantum Wires, in The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 1161.

R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani, P.V. Giugno, M. DeVittorio, M. Lomascolo, M. DiDio, L. DeCaro, L. Tapfer, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, U. Marti, and F.K. Reinhart, Optical Properties of Excitons in GaAs and InGaAs V-Shaped Quantum Wires, in The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 1197.

F. Rossi, M. Gulia, P.E. Selbmann, E. Molinari, T. Meier, P. Thomas, and S.W. Koch, Microscopic Theory of the Bloch-Oscillation Dynamics in Semiconductor Superlattices: Intra- versus Interband Dephasing, in The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 1775.

S.W. Koch, T. Meier, J. Hader, K.-C. Je, F. Rossi, and P. Thomas, Equilibrium and nonequilibrium optical effects in semiconductor heterostructures, in Frontiers in Nanoscale Science of Micron/Submicron Devices, edited by A.-P. Jauho and E.V. Buzaneva (Kluver Publ., 1996) p. 459.

G. Goldoni, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, A. Fasolino, R. Rinaldi, and R. Cingolani, Valence band spectroscopy in V-grooved quantum wires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2965 (1996).

R.C. Iotti and L.C. Andreani, Excitons in Shallow/Narrow Quantum Wells, Proc. of EXCON 96 conference on ‘Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter’, edited by R. Schreiber.


T. Kuhn, S. Haas, and F. Rossi, The Role of Coherence for Carrier Relaxation in Photo-Excited Semiconductors, phys. stat. sol.(b) 188, 369 (1995).

T. Kuhn, S. Haas, F. Rossi, A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, T. Elsaesser, W. Klein, G. Boehm, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann, Coherent generation of hot electrons in band-to-acceptor luminescence, in Quantum Electronics Conference, Vol. 16, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1995) p. 173.

S. Haas, F. Rossi, and T. Kuhn, Ultrafast coherent and incoherent dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors, in Quantum Transport in Ultrasmall Devices, edited by D. K. Ferry (Plenum Press, New York, 1995) p. 473.

F. Rossi, T. Meier, P. Thomas, S. W. Koch, P. E. Selbmann, and E. Molinari, Ultrafast carrier relaxation and vertical-transport phenomena in semiconductor superlattices: A Monte Carlo analysis, Phys. Rev. B 51, 16943 (1995).

L. Rota, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, Ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited carriers in semiconductor quantum wires: A Monte Carlo approach, Phys. Rev. B 52, 5183 (1995).

T. Meier, F. Rossi, P. Thomas, and S.W. Koch, Dynamic Localization in Anisotropic Coulomb Systems: Field Induced Crossover of the Exciton Dimension, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2558 (1995).

K.-C. Je, T. Meier, F. Rossi, and S.W. Koch, Theory of quasiequilibrium nonlinear optical apsorption in semiconductor superlattices, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2978 (1995).

S.W. Koch, T. Meier, T. Stroucken, A. Knorr, J. Hader, F. Rossi, and P. Thomas, Coherent Dynamics of Semiconductor Heterostructures, in Microscopic Theory of Semiconductors: Quantum Kinetics, Confinement and Lasers, edited by S.W. Koch (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995) p. 81.

R. Rinaldi, P.V. Giugno, R. Cingolani, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, M. Ferrara, U. Marti, D. Martin, F. Morier-Gemoud, P. Ruterana, and F. Reinhart, Magnetic-Field Effects in the Luminescence of V-Shaped Quantum Wires, Il Nuovo Cimento D 17, 1681 (1995).

F. Rossi, T. Meier, K.-C. Je, J. Hader, P. Thomas, and S. W. Koch, Linear and Non-linear Optical Properties of Semiconductor-Superlattices: Excitonic and Field-Induced Effects, Il Nuovo Cimento D 17, 1693 (1995).

P.E. Selbmann, M. Gulia, E. Molinari, F. Rossi, and P. Lugli, Fast Exciton and Free-Carrier Kinetics in Semiconductors: a Monte Carlo Simulation, Il Nuovo Cimento D 17, 1717 (1995).

R.C. Iotti and L.C. Andreani, A model for exciton binding energies in III-V and II-VI quantum wells, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 10, 1561 (1995).

R.C. Iotti and L.C. Andreani, Binding energies and oscillator strengths of excitons in shallow quantum wells, Il Nuovo Cimento D 17, 1505 (1995).


P. Vitanov, M. Nedjalkov, C. Jacoboni, F. Rossi, and A. Abramo, Unified Monte Carlo approach to the Boltzmann and Wigner equations, in Advances in Parallel Algorithms, edited by I. Dimov and O. Tonev (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1994) p. 117.

R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani, F. Rossi, L. Rota, M. Ferrara, P. Lugli, E. Molinari, U. Marti, D. Martin, F. Morier-Genoud, and F.K. Reinhart, Investigation of quantum states in V-shaped GaAs quantum wires, in XX International Symposium on GaAs and related compounds (GaAs--93), edited by H. S. Rupprecht and G. Weimann (Istitute of Physics Conference Series n. 136, Bristol, 1994) p. 233.

F. Rossi, S. Haas, and T. Kuhn, Ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited carriers: The role of coherence in the generation process, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 152 (1994).

F. Rossi, C. Bungaro, L. Rota, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, Phonons and electron-phonon interaction in GaAs quantum wires, Solid State Electron. 37, 761 (1994).

F. Rossi, S. Haas, and T. Kuhn, Analysis of coherent and incoherent ultrafast dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors: A Monte Carlo approach, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 411 (1994).

A. Lohner, K. Rick, P. Leisching, A. Leitenstorfer, T. Elsaesser, T. Kuhn, F. Rossi, and W. Stolz, Coherent excitonic and free carrier polarizations of bulk GaAs studied by femtosecond photon-echo spectroscopy, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 425 (1994).

F. J. Adler, P. Kocevar, J. Schilp, T. Kuhn, and F. Rossi, Coherent and incoherent charge carrier response in the femtosecond spectroscopy of semiconductors, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 446 (1994).

L. Rota, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, An investigation of carrier dynamics in semiconductor quantum wires following femtosecond laser excitation, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 871 (1994).

F. Rossi, C. Jacoboni, and M. Nedjalkov, A Monte Carlo solution of the Wigner transport equation, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 9, 934 (1994).

T. Kuhn, E. Binder, F. Rossi, A. Lohner, K. Rick, P. Leisching, A. Leitenstorfer, T. Elsaesser, and W. Stolz, Coherent excitonic and free carrier dynamics in bulk GaAs and heterostructures, in Coherent optical interactions in semiconductors, edited by R. T. Phillips (Plenum, New York, 1994) p. 33.

W. Quade, F. Rossi, and E. Schoell, Analogies between coherent optical interactions and quantum transport in semiconductor devices, in Coherent optical interactions in semiconductors, edited by R. T. Phillips (Plenum, New York, 1994) p. 301.

F. Rossi, S. Haas, and T. Kuhn, A generalized Monte Carlo approach for the simulation of the coherent ultrafast dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors, in Third International Workshop on Computational Electronics (Portland, 1994) p. 278.

A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, K. Rick, P. Leisching, T. Elsaesser, T. Kuhn, F. Rossi, W. Stolz, and K. Ploog, Excitonic and free-carrier polarizations of bulk GaAs studied by femtosecond coherent spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 49, 16372 (1994).

W. Quade, E. Schoell, F. Rossi, and C. Jacoboni, Quantum theory of impact ionization in coherent high-field semiconductor transport, Phys. Rev.B 50, 7398 (1994).

A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, T. Elsaesser, S. Haas, F. Rossi, T. Kuhn, W. Klein, G. Boehm, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann, Ultrafast Coherent Generation of Hot Electrons Studied via Band-to-Acceptor Luminescence in GaAs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1687 (1994).

L. Rota, J. F. Ryan, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, Hot Phonons in Quantum Wires: A Monte Carlo Investigation, Europhys. Lett. 28, 277 (1994).

R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani, M. Lepore, M. Ferrara, I. M. Catalano, F. Rossi, L. Rota, E. Molinari, P. Lugli, U. Marrti, D. Martin, F. Morrier-Gemoud, P. Ruterana, and F. K. Reinhart, Exciton Binding Energy in GaAs V-Shaped Quantum Wires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2899 (1994).

A. Leitenstorfer, T. Elsaesser, A. Lohner, T. Kuhn, S. Haas, and F. Rossi, Femtosecond Coherent Generation of Hot Electrons Monitored Via Band-to-Acceptor Luminescence in GaAs, in Ultrafast Phenomena IX, edited by P. F. Barbara, W.H. Knox, G.A. Mourou, and A.H. Zewail, volume 60 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Berlin, 1994) p. 358.

T. Elsaesser, A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, P. Leisching, T. Kuhn, F. Rossi, and W. Stolz, Femtosecond Coherent Spectroscopy of Excitonic and Free-Carrier Polarizations in Bulk GaAs, in Ultrafast Phenomena IX, edited by P. F. Barbara, W.H. Knox, G.A. Mourou, and A.H. Zewail, volume 60 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Berlin, 1994) p. 366.

F. Rossi, S. Haas, T. Kuhn, A. Leitenstorfer, A. Lohner, T. Elsaesser, B. Klein, G. Boehm, G. Traenkle, and G. Weimann, Ultrafast dynamics of carrier photogeneration and relaxation in semiconductors: The dominant role of coherent effects, in Proc. 22nd ICPS, Vancouver, Canada, edited by D.J. Lockwood (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) p. 225.

E. Molinari, F. Rossi, L. Rota, P. Lugli, R. Rinaldi, M. Lepore, and R. Cingolani, Electronic and excitonic properties of V-grooved quantum wires: Theory and experiments, in Proc. 22nd ICPS, Vancouver, Canada, edited by D.J. Lockwood (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) p. 1707.

L. Rota, J. F. Ryan, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, Non-equilibrium ultrafast carrier dynamics in semiconductor quantum wires, in Proc. 22nd ICPS, Vancouver, Canada, edited by D.J. Lockwood (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) p. 1747.


L. Rota, F. Rossi, S. M. Goodnick, P. Lugli, E. Molinari, and W. Porod, Reduced carrier cooling and thermalization in semiconductor quantum wires, Phys. Rev.B 47, 1632 (1993).

F. Rossi, L. Rota, C. Bungaro, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, Phonons in thin GaAs quantum wires, Phys. Rev.B 47, 1695 (1993).

E. Molinari, C. Bungaro, F. Rossi, L. Rota, and P. Lugli, Phonons in GaAs/AlAs nanostructures: From two-dimensional to one-dimensional systems, in Phonons in semiconductor nanostructures, edited by J. P. Leburton (Kluwer Accademic Pubblishers, 1993) p. 39.

C. Jacoboni and F. Rossi, Quantum transient transport, in Ultrashort Processes in Condensed Matter, edited by W. E. Bron (Plenum Press, New York, 1993) p. 287.

C. Bungaro, P. Lugli, F. Rossi, L. Rota, and E. Molinari, Microscopic analysis of the electrostatic phonon potential in rectangular quantum wires, in Ultrashort Processes in Condensed Matter, edited by W. E. Bron (Plenum Press, New York, 1993) p. 376.

T. Kuhn, J. Schilp, and F. Rossi, Memory effects in the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited semiconductors, in Ultrashort Processes in Condensed Matter, edited by W. E. Bron (Plenum Press, New York, 1993) p. 384.

A. Lohner, K. Rick, P. Leisching, A. Leitenstorfer, T. Elsaesser, T. Kuhn, F. Rossi, and W. Stolz, Coherent optical polarization of bulk GaAs studied by femtosecond photon-echo spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 77 (1993).

L. Rota, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, and E. Molinari, A Monte Carlo Method for the Study of Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures, in Second International Workshop on Computational Electronics (Leeds, 1993) p. 236.


F. Rossi, R. Brunetti, and C. Jacoboni, Quantum Transport, in Hot Carriers in Semiconductor Nanostructures: Physics and Applications, edited by J. Shah (Academic Press inc., Boston, 1992) p.153.

F. Rossi and C. Jacoboni, Self-Scattering in Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Transport, Europhys. Lett. 18, 169 (1992).

F. Rossi and C. Jacoboni, Enhancement of drift-velocity overshoot in silicon due to the intracollisional field effect, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 7, B383 (1992).

W. Quade, F. Rossi, and C. Jacoboni, A quantum description of impact ionization in semiconductors, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 7, B502 (1992).

L. Rota, F. Rossi, P. Lugli, E. Molinari, S. M. Goodnick, and W. Porod, Monte Carlo simulation of a ``true'' quantum wire, in SPIE Proc. Vol. 1676 (SPIE, 1992) p. 161.

C. Bungaro, P. Lugli, F. Rossi, L. Rota, and E. Molinari, Phonons in quantum wires, in SPIE Proc. Vol. 1677 (SPIE, 1992) p. 55.

F. Rossi and T. Kuhn, Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled coherent and incoherent dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors, in SPIE Proc. Vol. 1677 (SPIE, 1992) p. 118.

T. Kuhn and F. Rossi, Analysis of coherent and incoherent phenomena in photoexcited semiconductors: A Monte Carlo approach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 977 (1992).

F. Rossi, P. Poli, and C. Jacoboni, Weighted Monte Carlo approach to electron transport in semiconductors, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 7, 1017 (1992).

T. Kuhn and F. Rossi, Monte Carlo simulation of ultrafast processes in photoexcited semiconductors: Coherent and incoherent dynamics, Phys. Rev. B 46, 7496 (1992).

P. Lugli, L. Rota, and F. Rossi, Thermalization of Photoexcited Carriers in Bulk and Quantum Wire Semiconductors, phys. stat. sol.(b) 173, 229 (1992).

W. Quade, F. Rossi, C. Jacoboni, and E. Schoell, Quantum analysis of Zener-assisted impact ionization for transient regimes and strong electric fields, in Microelectronic Engineering 19 (1992) p. 287.

F. Rossi, T. Kuhn, J. Schilp, and E. Schoell, Analysis of the coupled coherent and incoherent dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors: A Monte Carlo approach, in Proc. 21st ICPS, Beijing, China, edited by P. Jiang and H. Zheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p. 165.

W. Quade, F. Rossi, C. Jacoboni, and E. Schoell, Quantum transient transport theory of Zener-assisted impact ionization in strong electric fields, in Proc. 21st ICPS, Beijing, China, edited by P. Jiang and H. Zheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p. 321.

L. Rota, F. Rossi, E. Molinari, C. Bungaro, and P. Lugli, Dynamical properties of quantum wires, Vuoto 22, 14 (1992).


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Nanophysics and Quantum Systems