Section 20

20. A Vessel which remains full, although Water be drawn from it.

If it is desired to adapt this contrivance for use, so that from a goblet occupying any given position a considerable quantity of water may be drawn and yet the goblet remain full, proceed as follows. Let A B (fig. 20) be a vessel containing as much water as will probably be required, and C D a pipe leading from this into a trough beneath, G H. Near the pipe fix a lever beam, E F, and at the extremity E A suspend a piece of cork, K, so that it may float in the trough; at the other extremity F let a chain be fastened furnished with a leaden weight, X. Let the whole be so arranged that the cork, floating on the water in G H, closes the mouth of the pipe; yet that, when water has been drawn from the trough, the cork, being heavier than the weight at X, shall sink and open the pipe, so that the water may flow in again and raise the cork. Let L M be the goblet placed in any convenient position, its lip being on a level with the surface of the water in the trough when there is no discharge from the pipe owing to the floating cork: and let the tube H N lead from the trough into the bottom of the goblet. Now if, when the goblet is full, we draw water from it, we shall at the same time reduce the water in the trough; and the cork sinking will unclose the pipe, so that the water, flowing both into the trough and the goblet, will again raise the cork, and the discharge will cease. And this will happen as often as we remove water from the goblet.

Section 21.