A Description of the Draught of The Engine,
For Raising Water By Fire.
- A.- The Furnaces
- B.- The two Fire places
- C.- The Funnel or Chimney.
- D.- The Small Boyler.
- E.- The Pipe and Cock of it.
- F.- The Screw that covers and confines its force.
- G.- A small Cock a Pipe going within eight inches of its bottom.
- H.- A larger Pipe going the same depth.
- I.- A Clack on the top of the said pipe.
- K.- A Pipe going from the Box of the Clack or Valve, into
the Clack or Valve, into the great Boyler, about an inch into it.
- L.- The great Boyler.
- M.- The Skrew with the Regulator
- N.- A Small Cock and Pipe going half way down the great Boyler.
- O.- Steam-Pipes, one end of each.
- P.- Screw to the Regulator, and the other ends to the Receivers.
- Q.- The Vessels called Receivers.
- R.- The screws which bring on the Pipes and Clacks in the front of the engine.
- S.- Valves of Clack of Brass, with screws to open and come at them up on occassion.
- T.- The Force-Pipe.
- U.- The Sucking-Pipe.
- W.- A Square Frame of Wood, with holes round its bottom in the water.
- X.- A Cistern with a Buy-Cock coming from the Force-Pipe.
- Y.- A Cock and Pipe coming from the bottom of the faid Cistern.
- Z.- The Handle of the Regulator.
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