Uso dello Spazio Sotterraneo

Urban Thinkers Campus - The City We Need

a cura di UN-Habitat, l'Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per gli Insediamenti Umani

Il LAME ha pertecipato a fine 2014 a Caserta all’Urban Thinkers Campus, un incontro internazionale sul tema "The city we need", in cui si sono riuniti innovatori urbani, filosofi, scrittori, giornalisti, blogger, urbanisti e designer, decisori e leader urbani, esponenti di rilievo del settore privato, imprenditori urbani, professionisti della comunicazione e specialisti del marketing per discutere del futuro dell’urbanizzazione.

These participants will join The City We Need debates to take part in global strategic thinking and to contribute to international partners negotiations towards defining the global urban development agenda.

L’Urban Thinkers Campus fa parte del processo di discussione verso una Nuova Agenda Urbana la comunità globale di pensatori urbani, ulteriore tappa verso la terza Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sull’Abitazione e lo Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile, Habitat III.

Il Gruppo LAME ha portato il proprio contributo nell'

Room: 5 Urban Lab:
Advanced Local Energy Planning and Underground Space Utilizations: Suitable and Feasible Solutions for Future Sustainable and Resilient Cities
Organizations: Politecnico di Torino, Association Research Centers for the UrbanUnderground Space (ACUUS)

In 2050, it is expected that more than two-third of global population will be living in cities. The expansion of urban areas together with the growing expectations for better quality services/infrastructures will drive demand for smart city solutions. Energy planning is an effective solution towards these goals: instruments to support decision makers in understanding how existing and planned policies influence energy consumptions are fundamental. The topics that will be covered include: Energy, buildings, and urban forms; underground space as a resource for metropolitan areas; integrated master plans for above- and under-ground; and local energy planning for low-carbon cities.

La documentazione presentata:
INTEGRATED MASTER PLANS FOR ABOVE – AND UNDER- GROUND underground or aboveground? Making the choice for future's cities.

UNDERGROUND SPACE AS A RESOURCE FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS: how to help urbanized areas in planning the underground space in order to reach best results?

Poster ACUUS

Advanced Local Energy Planning and Underground Space Utilizations: Suitable and Feasible Solutions for Future Sustainable and Resilient Cities - Presentation

ENERGY PLANNING FOR LOW-CARBON CITIES: research on the feasibility and roadmap for city to reduce carbon emission

BUILDINGS ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: how to save energy and use the local available renewable energy sources in the building sector?

ENERGY PLANNING FOR LOW-CARBON CITIES: how to reach an integrate smart city planning approach?