International Meeting on

                                          Visualization in Complex Environments                                            
  A call for ideas from Young Scientists

                                          Visualizing Friendship by Paul Butler                                          
                                          Aims and Topics  Program  Venue Call for Ideas Contact                                          
                                                                              The meeting offers the opportunity for students and young researchers to show in a poster session their work and ideas about the role of information visualization in the areas of communication, managing urban environments and data exploration. Contributions showing applications of openly available data will be highly welcome.
Download here the doc template for preparing your contribution STUDENT_template.doc.

Accepted contributions will be published on the conference website and on the website of Complex Systems Society Young Researchers Committee. The three best presentations at the poster sessions for one master student, one PhD student and one postdoc, will be invited to present their work progress since Turin meeting in the next YRS satellite meeting in ECCS'12 (The European Conference on Complex Systems) in Brussels. This will include having their conference fee paid and a contribution towards travel and subsistence. Please submit, a 2 page summary (according to the attached template) and contact Giuseppe Futia,, for the presentation details and how to register.

Some financial support to attend the meeting is available for young people coming from outside Piedmont.

For information about the financial support contact the ASSYST Scientific Administrator, Dr Jane Bromley, The winners will be contacted by David Rodrigues and Larisa Mihoreanu, in charge of the CSS Young Researchers Committee, in order to be invited to the ECCS'12.

Registration will close on November 11.

Early registration is highly recommended as the number of presentation slots is limited.