"Landscape observatories, centres and institutes" (LO) are one of the recommended instruments for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC).

Their mission is to study and monitor the dynamics of the landscapes, and to facilitate the collection, production and exchange of information and study protocols between states and local communities.

(See the Recommendation on the Guidelines for the implementation of the ELC, CM/Rec (2008)3 Appendix 1, 10; II.3.3) The existing situation presents centres for landscape observation, at various territorial levels, established by institutional bodies, as much as by civil society. The LOD Project promotes the scientific cooperation among the existing LO, aiming at reducing the fragmentation of the local initiatives and coordinate their potentials.

The LOD website is hosted by DIST Inter-University Department of Politecnico and Università di Torino.


SEMINARIO Gli Osservatori del paesaggio tra conflittualità e integrazione Giornata dedicata a Ignazio Operti

17 novembre 2017, ore 14.30 - 18.00 - Aula E - Palazzo del Bo via VIII Febbraio 1848, 2 - Padova

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SEMINARIO Il Paesaggio tra conflittualità ed integrazione

18 novembre 2017, ore 09.00-13.00, Salone del Museo di Geografia, Palazzo Wollemborg, via del Santo, 26 - Padova

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Finland aims to establish a Finnish landscape observatory

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A new Landscape Observatory opened! Thanks to the Landscape Observatory of the Local Protected Area of the Serras do Socorro e Archeirais, Portugal is on the map!

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In co-operation with the networks Civilscape and Uniscape, LandschappenNL organizes the International Conference on Landscape Observatories. 9 – 10 February 2017, Amersfoort

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"Active Local Participation for landscape monitoring: research and practical experiences in and around ELC Landscape Observatories", Symposium, in IALE 2017 European Congress "From pattern and process to people and action" Ghent, 12 – 15 September 2017

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Landscape Observatories Networks: a present-day challenge. Ancona, 13 November 2015

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The Charter of Torino at the CoE Meeting in Strasbourg (19 March 2015)

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Landscape Observatories in Europe II, 1st 'UNISCAPE En-Route' International Seminar, Torino, Italy, 22-23 September 2014

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Landscape Observatories In Europe from the ELC Recommendations to the local initiatives (2000-2013)

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