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Over the years, a high number of students decided to work on their degree thesis within our group. Several of these thesis have been carried out in cooperation with industrial partners and are covered by a non disclosure agreement. Kindly send an email at federico.millo@polito.it for additional information. Also a complete list of past projects is available in the archive of the Politecnico's library. The list of some recent projects are as follows:

Filippo Aglietti- Investigation of pneumatic boost systems and their ability to reduce turbo-lag (Porsche Engineering Services, Stuttgart)

Marco Guarnieri- Calibration and Assessment of the capability of the predictive combustion model SI-Turb (Jaguar Land Rover, Coventry)

Francesco Natali- Development of a virtual methodology for Real-driving Emissions assessment (Jaguar Land Rover, Coventry)

Giuseppe Rea- Three Pressure Analysis automatic calibration methodology (Toyota Motor Europe- Brussels)

Filippo Baricordi- 1-D model for drivetrain losses evaluation in a BEV vehicle (Toyota Motor Europe- Brussels)

Davide Piccarsi- RDE TEST ANALYSIS: Regulation, Matlab tool to post process test data and NOx emission analysis (Delphi, Luxembourg)

Davide Villa- Investigation of hybrid powertrain architectures with focus on customer relevant conditions (Porsche Engineering Services, Stuttgart)

Francesco Accurso- Development through numerical simulation of an innovative energy management strategy for a 48V Mild-Hybrid vehicle (Denerg, Polito)

Egidio Canzoniere- Assessment through numerical simulation of the impact of an advanced valvetrain technology on a gasoline passenger car over different driving cycles (Eaton, Turin)

Guido Giardino- Analisi numerica di un sistema di sovralimentazione assistito elettricamente per motori automobilistici di piccola cilindrata (Roechling, Laives)

Federico Gioachini- Fast Running Model Building and Application for Fuel Consumption Analysis on Driving Cycles (Aston Martin/ PWT, Turin)

Luca Mannu- Analisi di dispositivi PEMS e misurazioni delle emissioni inquinanti da motori diesel per applicazioni non stradali (Kohler, Reggio Emilia)

Piero Mastrangelo- Modellazione di un motore diesel off-road per simulazioni in real time su banco prova virtuale ( Kohler, Reggio Emilia)

Piero Puliti- Impact of WLTP homologation cycle on passenger cars cost and CO2 compliance (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Turin)

Fabio Siccardi- Engine Calibration in a Virtual Environment (Kohler, Reggio Emilia)

Alberto Vallebona- Analisi della disattivazione cilindri su motori diesel per autovetture (FEV, Turin)

Michele Vitiello- Identificazione di soluzioni calibrative e concepts per l'ottimizzazione delle emissioni engine out in transitorio nelle applicazioni "commercial light duty" sui nuovi cicli omologativi (CNH, Turin)