Consulting activity to support the drafting of the Energy Plan in Cuneo  

year: 2005
funding: Comune di Cuneo
coordinator:  Prof. Evasio Lavagno

The activity developed by the LAME research group was commissioned by Agenzia Provinciale per l’Energia of Cuneo Province (Agengranda). The activity was meant to support the municipality initiatives in the energy field and specifically it was focused on the issues related to the drafting of the Energy Balance and to the elaboration of proposals for the City Energy Plan.

These proposals were targeted to a set of aspects of the city energy system that were representing high energy consumption values and, at the same time, interesting opportunities for intervention by the public body:

  1. the residential heating sector, for which:
    a. interventions in several areas of the city were assessed
    b. several hypothesis of district heating solutions were designed (specifically for the Altipiano urban area), in order to reduce polluting emissions and optimise energy consumption,
  2. the final uses of electricity in the residential and tertiary sectors, for which dissemination and information strategies were assessed in order to promote the adoption of high efficiency technological solutions (in particular boilers, fridges, air conditioning units, lamps) and to stimulate the physiological substitution of elder appliances
  3. The public lighting sector, for which relevant energy consumption reduction rates were considered realistically possible by means a rationalisation of the lighting systems