
Federico Becca & Sandro Sorella (SISSA, Trieste)

  1. Competition between Superconductivity and Striped phases in the doped Hubbard model;

  2. The multiband Hubbard Model and the role of the Hund's coupling: Mott transitions and Superconductivity.

Roser Valentì (University of Frankfurt)

  1. Organic charge-transfer salts: Spin liquids, charge orders and ferroelectricity.

Rosario Fazio and co-workers  (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

  1. Investigation of quantum effects in hybrid systems, Andreev reflection in graphene nanoribbons, Josephson effect in the presence of an excitonic superfluid.

Fabio Beltram, Vittorio Pellegrini, Alessandro Tredicucci  (CNR-NEST, Pisa)

  1. Investigation of few electron doped quantum dots integrated in photonic crystals. The possibility to control the interaction between the photonic mode of a cavity and the QD electronic excitations and to spectrally tune the two resonances allows to selectively modify the exciton/photon coupling and to possibly enhance the optical response of a single quantum dot.

  1. PRIN Project, A controlled-nanofabrication strategy for the optical manipulation of few-electron states in photonic-cavity                   quantum-dot devices, financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

  1. Design and simulation of semiconductor-based quantum-cascade lasers [R.C. Iotti and F. Rossi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 146603 (2001)], both in the mid- and in the far-infrared spectral region. This activity has led to the design and fabrication of the first Terahertz laser [R. Koehler et al., Nature 417, 156 (2002)].

Björn Trauzettel  (Universität Würzburg)

  1. Investigation of electron-electron interaction effects on Transport properties of Luttinger liquids

  2. Interaction Effects in Topological Insulators

  1. Vigoni Project 2011-2012, Electron Interaction Effects in Topological Insulator Edge States

Paolo Zanardi  (University of Southern California and Institute for Scientific Interchange Torino)

  1. We have worked on potential solid-state implementation schemes. In particular, investigating noiseless-encoding strategies in semiconductor quantum-dot arrays [P. Zanardi and F. Rossi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4752 (1998)] and we have proposed the first all-optical quantum computer based on semiconductor macroatoms/molecules [E. Biolatti et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5647 (2000)]

Hermann Grabert and co-workers  (Universität Freiburg and FRIAS)

  1. Investigation of electron-electron interaction effects on Transport properties of Luttinger liquids

  2. Investigation of electronic noise in mesoscopic devices

Ignacio Cirac and co-workers  (Max-Planck Institut für Quantenoptik (Garching, Germany)

  1. Quantum simulations of strongly interacting systems using ultracold atoms and ions

  2. Fractional Quantum Hall effect in the framework of rotating harmonic traps with the inclusion of three-body dissipative effects.

Paolo Giorda, Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI, Torino)

  1. Quantum Information theory

  2. Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions

Julia Meyer & Manuel Houzet (CEA and Université Joseph-Fourier, Grenoble, France)

  1. helical edge states and topological superconductors.

Jean Dalibard and co-workers  (Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, ENS Paris, France)

  1. Vortices in atomic condensates, realization of Quantum Hall regime by dynamical deformation of trap parameters.

Elisa Ercolessi and Fabio Ortolani (University of Bologna) and Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi (CNR, Bologna)

  1. Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions

  2. Hubbard model

Armando Aligia (Centro Atomico de Bariloche) and Liliana Arrachea (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

  1. Quantum Phase Transitions in Extended Hubbard models

Nanophysics and Quantum Systems