Marie Curie "Aerotranet" 2006-2009


Unsteady AEROdynamics TRAining NETwork in airframe components for competitive and environmentally friendly civil transport aircraft

AeroTraNet is an Early Stage research Training (EST) in the European Research Area (ERA). This new multi-host initiative brings together the excellent doctoral training schools of four ERA research institutes of established international standing. The University of Leicester (U. Leicester), the Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Uniroma3), the Politecnico di Torino (DIASP) and the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT) are combining their doctoral training expertises and excellent research facilities to deliver a flexible, well-integrated, student-focussed EST programme with a novel European dimension. To ensure a high degree of integration of all doctoral training activities, the four partners have chosen one common research topic to be tackled by different investigative methods. This common topic is the unsteady flow in airframe fuel vents (circular cavity).

An aspect ratio four rectangular cavity is also studied at a lower speed, at a regime more similar to that of automobile bodywork cavities.

The flow unsteadiness increases aerodynamic drag, structural vibration, cabin and airframe noise. To steady the flow and reduce noise, the four partners will combine time-accurate computational fluid dynamics at Leicester, experimental and numerical aero-acoustics at Roma Tre, time-resolved experimentation with Particle Image Velocimetry at the Politecnico di Torino and flow control methods at Toulouse. This common research thread directly addresses the research priorities of the Framework 6 Thematic Area: Aeronautics.

By pooling their training resources, the four hosts are offering an EST programme that will be a timely and significant improvement to their individual doctoral training activities. The EST programme outcome will be a group of doctors in aeronautics who have learnt to work together in the ERA, have experience of mobility in the ERA and are well equipped to contribute to the future of an integrated European aeronautical industry and academia. This is a tangible contribution to structuring the human resources in the ERA.



  • University of Leichester
  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Università degli studi Roma Tre
  • Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse

