Download Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_BL code
- Details
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 January 2013 17:30
This software (Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_BL) is freely distributed under a GNU General Public License with the following additional restrictions: 1) any published work which uses this software (journal papers, conference proceedings, technical reports, thesis) will cite the following papers describing the software and some of the principal scientific results obtained by using it, as well as the Philofluid website 2) electronic documents will include a direct link to the software page at 3) the user will send the developers ( any modified version of the software. We maintain this software and we make it available without charge to anyone for academic, research, experimental or personal use. This license is designed to guarantee freedom to use the software for these purposes with the only constraint to give proper credit to our research group. This software is being distributed as a research tool and as such we encourage contributions from users to make the code more stable, efficient, flexible, and/or useful. All contributions will be posted in the software page and made available to all the other users. For this reason we ask users who contribute to send us a copy so that the improved/extended software may be distributed together with the original versions.
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