List of the groups that requested out fluid turbulence and perturbation waves codes
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- Last Updated on Monday, 08 June 2015 15:37
List of the groups which requested our codes:
Navier-Stokes DNS Parallel Code
- Indian Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistrial Engineerig, India
- KirkmanAero, USA
- Imperial College London, UK
- Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
- K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Aerospace Department, Iran
- Università di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Italy
- Zhejiang University, Energy Engineering Department, China
- American Museum of Natural History, USA
- Purdue University , USA
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, CH
- Nanyang Technological Univeristy NTU, Thermo Fluids & Marine Engineering Cluster, Singapore
- Colorado School of Mines, Mechanical Engineering, USA
- Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematical and Computer Science, USA
- ICMM Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Shanghai University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, China
- University Glasgow, Mathematics and Statistics, UK
- Clemson University, Mechanical Engineering, USA
- Isfahan University of Technology, Mechanical engineering, Iran
- Tokyo University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Japan
- China Academy of Sciences , Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, China
- Yazd University, Iran
- Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Iran
- IISc Bangalore, Mechanical Engineering, India
- York University, UK.
Perturbation waves codes
- Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Iran
- Institut National des Science Appliquees et de Techinologie, Physics, Tunisia
- University of Science an Thechnology of China, Thermal Science, China
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology , Saudi Arabia
- Université de Medea, Genie mécanique, Algeria
- University Mohammed V, Physique, Morocco
- Universität Siegen, Mechanical Engineering, Germany
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Énergétique et Environnement Atmosphérique, France
- Zhejiang university, China
- University of São Paulo (USP), São Carlos School of Engineering, Brazil
- National School of Applied Sciences , Dept of Mechanic and Energy, Morocco
- Indian Institute of Gandhinagar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, India
- Universite de Lorraine, EMMA Énergie Mécanique Matériaux, France
- Purdue University, Nuclear Engineering, USA