- Details
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 13:26
- Invited talk, D. Tordella, Turbolenza disomogenea nei fluidi: nuovi risultati per mescolamenti incomprimibili e comprimibili, Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Energetica, December 22, 2004. [TALK]
- Invited talk, D. Tordella, Large Eddy Simulations method: subgrid models, new wall treatment and boundary conditions, Seminar held at INSA, Centre de Thermique de Lyon, Bat. Sadi Carnot, Villeurbanne, France, December 6, 2004. [TALK]
- Invited talk, D. Tordella, Turbulence and instability, Joint Meeting, Ecole Doctorale MEGA de Lyon and Ecole Doctorale SCUDO de Turin, Ecole Centrale Lyon, LMFA, Lyon, France, September 16, 2004. [TALK]
- M. Iovieno, G. Passoni, and D. Tordella, Vorticity fluctuations in the LES of the channel flow through new wall conditions and the non commutation procedure,10th Euromech European Turbulence Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 29 - July 2, 2004. [TALK]
- Invited talk, D. Tordella, A new treatment for the large-eddy simulation of near-wall turbulence. Turbulence modelling: art or science, A symposium in honour of Prof. J. Mathieu, Ecole Centrale Lyon, LMFA, Lyon, France, June 14, 2004. [TALK]
- Invited talk, D. Tordella, LES models, Workshop: High Performance Computing for DNS-LES in Italy, International Center for Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy, February 6, 2004. [TALK]