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Tullio Allievo
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A son of the famous professor Giuseppe Allievo, was born at San Germano Vercellese (Vercelli) on 15th Agust 1869. Allievo graduated in Industrial Engineering (1892) and Civil Engineering (1893) at the Application School for Engineers of Turin.
In 1893 Allievo won a competition for engineers in the technical Staff of the Finance and then rendered his service there from 1894 to 1902. At the Royal Administration of the Cavour Channel, he looked after the design and leading of the extension of Ivrea Canal and of the Hydrometrc Station of Santhià.
Nel 1902 Allievo was called to the chair of Textile Art at the Royal Technical Institute of Turin.
Four years later he became titular professor of the chair and in the same year full professor of Technology. After achieving the qualification for the university teaching in Textile Technology at the Politecnico di Torino (1908), from 1910 he got the chair.
He died in Turin on 9th January 1919.
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