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Alessandro Artom
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was born in Asti on 6th May 1867.
He graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Application School for Engineers of Turin (1889) and was immediately chosen by
Galileo Ferraris as an assistant.
Pioneer of radiotelegraphic applications in Italy, in its first researches Artom experimented the behaviour of the diamond and liquid dielectrics in rotating fields.
He manufactured a receiving system at flat aeroplane, which worked particularly well in the direction of the very plane and eliminated troubles coming from other stations or from atmospheric discharges.
Thanks to this principle, in 1907 Artom conceived the radiogoniometer, an equipment which allowed to individuate the position versus other transmitters. This invention was fundamental for the sailing: in fact the radiogoniometer allowed ships to individuate their position in case of fog. It was very successful during the first world war and was used both by Italy and allies. As an acknowledgement for his contribution to the sea and air defense of the country during the war, the king attributed Artom the title of Baron.
Artom was the founder and professor for twentyfive year approximately in the course of Telegraphy and Telephony at the Royal Industrial Museum of Turin. He died in Rome on 10th May 1927.
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