Paolo Verzone
was born in Vercelli on 12th October 1902. He graduated in Civil Engineering in Turin (1925) and since his youth he cultivated an interest for architecture, performing some restoration works within the Politecnico.
Verzone got at the Politecnico the chair in Stylistic and Constructive Characters of Monuments (1942), that then he kept together with the chairs of History of the Art, History and Styles of Architecture and Restoration of Monuments.
In 1952 Verzone was chosen into a set of Italian and foreign researchers as a full professor at the faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Istanbul to educate the new local teachers in the History of Architecture.
Since then, his interests for low ancient and Byzantine art were stressed. In Istanbul Verzone got inspired for his book of success "Da Bisanzio a Carlo Magno" (From Byzantium to Carlo Magno) (1968).
Verzone died on 3rd September 1986.
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