Riccardo Bianchini
was born in Venice on 16th August 1867. Bianchini graduated in Civil Engineering at the Application School for Engineers in Turin (1895).
From 1908 to 1912 Bianchini was assistant at the Politecnico di Torino, chair of Hygiene. In addition he was director of the Exhibition for Industrial Hygiene at the Politecnico, from 1912 to 1923.
Bianchini taught for all his life round Health Engineering at the Application School for Engineers. He was very appreciated for his activity of consultant both by municipality councils (urban sewer problems, workers' homes, sanatories) and by insurance companies (causes of damages for fires, accidents and similar matters). Bianchini was for some years Municipal Councellor in Turin and member of the board of directors of the Saving Bank of Turin.
He designed and managed building works for the observatory Angelo Mosso al Col d'Olen and actively co-operated in the magazine "L'Ingegnere Igienista" (the Hygienist Engineer), founded together professor Bertarelli.
He died on 21st October 1931.
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