Explore our group's contributions to cutting-edge research through our diverse range of publications. We take pride in sharing our findings and insights with the global scientific community, contributing to advancements in resilience and structural health monitoring. Our publications cover a wide spectrum of topics, reflecting the depth and breadth of our research endeavors.
Published Books

Introduction to Dynamic of Structures and Earthquake Engineering", Springer; 3311 GX Dordrecht, The Netherland.
ISBN: 978-3319725406.

Urban Resilience for Emergency Response and Recovery: Fundamental Concepts and Application , Springer-Verlag; )
ISBN: 978-3319306551.

You can have access to the website to purchase the published books by clicking on the amazon icons.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
Year 2024
[J110] De Iuliis, M., Cardoni, A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2024). "Bibliometric method for mapping the state-of-the-art of Resilience in Civil Engineering applications." Safety Science.
[J109] Pellecchia, C., Cardoni, A., Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., Ansari, F., and Khalil, A. A. (2024). "Progressive Collapse Analysis of the Champlain Towers South in Miami, Florida." Journal of structural engineering, ASCE, 150(1): 04023211.
[J108] De Iuliis, M. D., Khaghanpour-Shahrezaee, R., Cimellaro, G. P., and Khanmohammadi, M. (2024). "Fuzzy-based approach to quantify the downtime of buildings in developing countries " Resilient Cities and Structures, 3(1), 1-19.
Year 2023
[J107] Baglio, M., Cardoni, A., Cimellaro, G. P., and Abrahamson, N. (2023). "Generating ground motions using Fourier amplitude spectrum." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(15), 4884-4899.
[J106] De Iuliis, M., Battegazzorre, E., Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Bottino, A. (2023). "Large scale simulation of pedestrian seismic evacuation including panic behavior." Sustainable Cities and Society, 94(July 2023), 104527.
[J105] Domaneschi, M., Tanganelli, M., Viti, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Protection of artworks to blast hazards: the Fountain of Neptune in Florence." International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 8(2-3), DOI: 10.1504/IJMRI.2022.10045192.
Year 2022
[J104] Cardoni, A., Borlera, S. L., Malandrino, F., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Seismic vulnerability and resilience assessment of urban telecommunication networks." Sustainable Cities and Society, 77.
[J103] De Iuliis, M., Kammouh, O., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Measuring and improving community resilience: A fuzzy logic approach." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 78, 103118, 103540.
[J102] Marasco, S., Fiore, A., Greco, R., Cimellaro, G. P., and Marano, G. C. (2021). "Evolutionary Polynomial Regression Algorithm Enhanced with a Robust Formulation: Application to Shear Strength Prediction of RC Beams without Stirrups." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 35(6).
[J101] Marasco, S., Kammouh, O., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Disaster resilience quantification of communities: A risk-based approach." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 70, 102778.
[J100] Marasco, S., Marano, G. C., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Evolutionary polynomial regression algorithm combined with robust Bayesian regression." Advances in Engineering Software, 167, 103101.
[J99] Lorusso, P., Iuliis, M. D., Marasco, S., Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Villa, V. (2022). "Fire Emergency Evacuation from a School Building Using an Evolutionary Virtual Reality Platform." Buildings - MDPI, 12(2), 223.
[J98] Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "A new finite element-based methodology for earthquake simulation of large-scale urban areas." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 148(4), April 2022.
[J97] Cardoni, A., Borlera, S. L., Malandrino, F., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Seismic Resilience Assessment of Urban Telecommunication Networks." Sustainable Cities and Society, 77(February 2022), 103540.
Year 2021
[J96] Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "A new evolutionary polynomial regression technique to assess the fundamental periods of irregular buildings." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(8), 2195-2211.
[J95] Morgese, M., Domaneschi, M., Ansari, F., Cimellaro, G. P., and Inaudi, D. (2021). "Improving Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensor Measures by Digital Image Correlation: Two-Stage Structural Health Monitoring." Aci Structural Journal, 118(6), 91-102.
[J94] Marasco, S., Fiore, A., Greco, R., Cimellaro, G. P., and Marano, G. C. (2021). "Evolutionary Polynomial Regression Algorithm Enhanced with a Robust Formulation: Application to Shear Strength Prediction of RC Beams without Stirrups." Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 35(6).
[J93] De Iuliis, M., Kammouh, O., Cimellaro, G. P., and Tesfamaraim, S. (2021). "Quantifying restoration time of pipelines after earthquakes: Comparison of Bayesian belief networks and fuzzy models." International journal of disaster risk reduction, accepted.
[J92] Marasco, S., Zamani-Noori, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "Seismic vulnerability assessment indices for buildings: Proposals, comparisons and methodologies at collapse limit states." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63, 102466, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102466.
[J91] Mitoulis, S. A., Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Casas, J. R. (2021). "Bridge and transport network resilience – a perspective." Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -Bridge Engineering ICE.
[J90] De_Iuliis, M., Kammouh, O., Cimellaro, G. P., and Tesfamariam, S. (2021). "Quantifying restoration time of power and telecommunication lifelines after earthquakes using Bayesian belief network model." Journal of Reliability Engineering and Seismic Safety, 208(April2021), 107320.
[J89] Marasco, S., Zamani-Noori, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "A computational framework for large-scale seismic simulations of residential building stock." Engineering Structures, 244, 112690. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112690.
[J88] Maniglio, M., Balomenos, G. P., Padgett, J. E., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "Parameterized coastal fragilities and their application to aging port structures subjected to surge and wave." Engineering Structures, 237(June 15, 2021), 112235.
[J87] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., Xie, L., Bruneau, M., Wu, Z., Didier, M., Noori, M., Mufti, A., Lu, X., Lu, X., Ou, J., Sheikh, S., and Zhou, Y. (2021). "Present and future resilience research driven by science and technology." International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, 5(1/2),1-40.
[J86] Domaneschi, M., Zamani-Noori, A., Pietropinto, M. V., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing school buildings." Computer & Structures, 248, 106522, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2021.106522.
[J85] Battegazzorre, E., Bottino, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "Idealcity: a hybrid approach to seismic evacuation modelling." Advances in Engineering Software, 153(March 2021), 102956.
[J84] Cardoni, A., Zamani-Noori, A., Greco, R., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "Resilience Assessment at The Regional Level Using Census Data." International journal of disaster risk reduction, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102059.
Year 2020
[J83] Cimellaro, G. P., Tanganelli, M., Domaneschi, M., and Viti, S. (2020). "Developing a laboratory facility to assess friction coefficients of standing samples." Procedia Structural Integrity, 29:, 142-148.
[J82] Marasco, S., Cimellaro, G. P., Cardoni, A., Zamani-Noori, A., Omar, K., and Domaneschi, M.(2020). "Integrated platform to assess seismic resilience at the community level." Sustainable Cities and Society, 64: 102506, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102506.
[J81] Domaneschi, M., Gaetano, A. D., Casas, J. R., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Deteriorated seismic capacity assessment of reinforced concrete bridge piers in corrosive environment." Structural Concrete, DOI: 10.1002/suco.202000106, 1-16.
[J80] Domaneschi, M., Niccolini, G., Lacidogna, G., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Nondestructive Monitoring Techniques for Crack Detection and Localization in RC Elements." Applied Science, 2020(10), 3248.
[J79] Domaneschi, M., Pellecchia, C., Iuliis, E. D., Cimellaro, G. P., Morgese, M., Khalil, A. A., and Ansari, F. (2020). "Collapse analysis of the Polcevera Viaduct by the Applied Element Method." Engineering Structures, 214(July 2020), 110659.
[J78] Li, Z., Li, N., Cimellaro, G. P., and Fang, D. (2020). "System Dynamics Modeling-Based Approach for Assessing Seismic Resilience of Hospitals: Methodology and a Case in China." ASCE-Journal of Management in Engineering (JME), in press.
[J77] Domaneschi, M., Casciati, S., Catbas, N., Cimellaro, G. P., Inaudi, D., and Marano, G. C. (2020). "Structural-health monitoring of in-service tunnels." International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems, 4(2-3-4), 268-291.
[J76] Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., and Zamani-Noori, A. (2020). "Improving Post Earthquake Emergency Response Using Indoor Tracking." Earthquake Spectra, https://doi.org/10.1177/8755293020911163.
[J75] Zona, A., Kammouh, O., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Resourcefulness quantification approach for resilient communities and countries." International journal of disaster risk reduction, 46(June2020), 101509.
[J74] Kammouh, O., Gardoni, P., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Probabilistic Framework to Evaluate the Resilience of Engineering Systems Using Bayesian and Dynamic Bayesian Networks." Reliability Engineering & System Safety, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2020.106813.
[J73] Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., and Bing, Q. (2020). "Overturning risk of furniture in earthquake affected areas." Journal of Vibration and Control, 26(5-6), 362-374.
[J72] Morgese, M., Ansari, F., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Post Collapse Analysis of Morandi’s Polcevera Viaduct in Genoa Italy." Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 10(2020), 69-85.
[J71] Cardoni, A., Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., Sordo, S., and Mazza, A. (2020). "Modeling the Interdependency Between Buildings and the Electrical Distribution System for Seismic Resilience Assessment." International journal of disaster risk reduction, 42(January 2020), 101315.
Year 2019
[J70] Cardoni, A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2019). "The role of reinforced concrete roofs in the seismic performance of masonry buildings." Journal of Building Engineering, 28(March 2020), 101056.
[J69] Cimellaro, G. P., Crupi, P., Kim, H. U., and Agrawal, A. (2019). "Modeling interdependencies of critical infrastructures after hurricane Sandy." International journal of disaster risk reduction 38(August 2019), 101191.
[J68] Capozzo, M., Rizzi, A., Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., Barbosa, A., and Cox, D. (2019). "Multi-Hazard Resilience Assessment of a Coastal Community Due to Offshore Earthquakes." Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 13(2), April 2019.
[J67] Cimellaro, G. P., Marasco, S., Zamani-Noori, A., and Mahin, S. (2019). "A first order evaluation of the capacity of a healthcare network under emergency." Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 18(3), 663–677.
[J66] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Scutiero, G. L. (2019). "A simplified method to assess generation of seismic debris for masonry structures." Engineering Structures, 186(May 2019), 306-320.
[J65] Nocera, F., Gardoni, P., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2019). "Time-Dependent Probability of Exceeding a Target Level of Recovery." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 5(4), 04019013.
[J64] Kammouh, O., Zamani-Noori, A., Cimellaro, G. P., and Mahin, S. (2019). "Resilience assessment of urban communities." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 5(1), March 2019.
[J63] Lu, X., Yang, Z., Cimellaro, G.P., and Xu, Z. (2019). "Pedestrian evacuation simulation under the scenario of earthquake-induced falling debris." Safety Science, 114(2019), 61-71.
[J62] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Scutiero, G. L. (2019). "Disproportionate collapse of a cable-stayed bridge." Bridge Engineering ICE, 172(1), 13-26.
Year 2018
[J61] Iuliis, M. D., Kammouh, O., Cimellaro, G. P., and Tesfamariam, S. (2018). "Downtime estimation of building structures using fuzzy logic." International journal of disaster risk reduction, doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.11.017.
[J60] Cimellaro, G. P., Arcidiacono, V., and Reinhorn, A. (2018). "Disaster Resilience Assessment of building and transportation system." Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-27.
[J59] Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., and Warn, G. (2018). "Three-Dimensional Base Isolation Using Vertical Negative Stiffness Devices." Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-29, doi: 10.1080/13632469.13632018.11493004
[J58] Kammouh, O., Cimellaro, G. P., and Mahin, S. (2018). "Downtime estimation and analysis of lifelines after Earthquakes." Engineering Structures, 173(2018), 393-403.
[J57] Cimellaro, G. P., and Domaneschi, M. (2018). "Development of a dynamic laboratory platform for earthquake engineering courses." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practices, 144(4 (October 2018)), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000393
[J56] Cimellaro, G. P., Mahin, S., and Domaneschi, M. (2018). "Integrating a human behavior model within an agent-based approach for blasting evacuation." Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, | https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12364.
[J55] Kammouh, O., Noori, A. Z., Taurino, V., Mahin, S. A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2018). "Deterministic and fuzzy-based methods to evaluate community resilience." Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 17(2), 261-275.
[J54] Kammouh, O., Dervishaj, G., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2018). "Quantitative framework to assess resilience and risk at the country level." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 4(1), 1-14.
[J53] Cimellaro, G. P., Malavisi, M., and Mahin, S. (2018). "Factor analysis to evaluate hospital resilience." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 4(1), March 2018.
Year 2017
[J52] Kammouh, O., Dervishaj, G., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2017). "A new resilience rating system for Countries and States " Procedia Engineering, 198(2017), 985-998.
[J51] Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2017). "A new energetic-based ground motion selection and modification method limiting the dynamic response dispersion and preserving the median demand." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-017-0232-5.
[J50] Cimellaro, G. P., and Domaneschi, M. (2017). "Stability analysis of different types of steel scaffolds." Engineering Structures, 152(2017), 538-548.
[J49] Kammouh, O., Silvestri, S., Palermo, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2017). "Performance-based seismic design of multi-storey frame structures equipped with Crescent-Shaped Brace." journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2079.
[J48] Cimellaro, G. P., Lopez-Garcia, D., and Reinhorn, A. (2017). "Soil-Structure interaction for integrated design of weakened and damped structures." Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793431117500130.
[J47] Marasco, S., Noori, A. Z., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2017). "Cascading Hazard Analysis of a Hospital Building." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(9), 04017100.
[J46] Cimellaro, G. P., Tinebra, A., Renschler, C., and Fragiadakis, M. (2017). "Closure to "New Resilience Index for Urban Water Distribution Networks" by G. P. Cimellaro, A. Tinebra, C. Renschler, and M. Fragiadakis." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001813.
[J45] Cimellaro, G. P., Ozzello, F., Vallero, A., Mahin, S., and Shao, B. (2017). "Simulating Earthquake Evacuation Using Human Behavior Models." Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(6), 985-1002.
[J44] Cimellaro, G. P., Malavisi, M., and Mahin, S. (2017). "Using Discrete Event Simulation Models to Evaluate Resilience of an Emergency Department." Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 21(2), 203-226.
Year 2016
[J43] Cimellaro, G. P., Duenas-Osorio, L., and Reinhorn, A. M. (2016). "Special Issue on Resilience-Based Analysis and Design of Structures and Infrastructure Systems." Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(8).
[J42] Cimellaro, G. P., Renschler, C., Reinhorn, A. M., and Arendt, L. (2016). "PEOPLES: a framework for evaluating resilience." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(10), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-1541X.0001514.
[J41] Arcidiacono, V., Cimellaro, G. P., Piermarini, E., and Ochsendorf, J. (2016). "The Dynamic Behavior of the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi Using Simplified Analytical Models." International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, 10(7), 938-953.
[J40] Cimellaro, G. P., and Pique`, M. (2016). "Resilience of a hospital Emergency Department under seismic event." Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(5), 825-836.
[J39] Cimellaro, G. P., Tinebra, A., Renschler, C., and Fragiadakis, M. (2015). "New Resilience Index for Urban Water Distribution Networks." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(8), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001433.
Year 2015
[J38] Cimellaro, G. P., and Marasco, S. (2015). "A computer-based environment for processing and selection of seismic ground motion records: opensignal" Frontiers of Built. Environ., 1, (Art. n. 17), 1-13.
[J37] Moon, D. Y., Roh, H., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2015). "Seismic Performance of Segmental Rocking Columns Connected with NiTi Martensitic SMA Bars." Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(4), 571-584.
[J36] Cimellaro, G. P., Villa, O. , Bruneau, M. (2015). "Resilience-Based Design of Natural gas distribution networks" Journal of Infrastructure systems, ASCE, 21(1), March 2015 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000204.
[J35] Arcidiacono, V., Cimellaro, G. P., and Ochsendorf, J. A. (2015). "Analysis of the failure mechanisms of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio during 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake." Engineering Structures, 99(15 September 2015), 502–516.
Year 2014
[J34] Martinelli, D., Cimellaro, G. P., Terzic, V., and Mahin, S. (2014). "Analysis of Economic Resiliency of Communities Affected By Natural Disasters: The Bay Area Case Study." Procedia Economics and Finance, 18(2014), 959-968, DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(14)01023-5.
[J33] Moretti, S., Trozzo, A. C., Terzic, V., Cimellaro, G. P., and Mahin, S. (2014). "Utilizing base-isolation systems to increase earthquake resiliency of hospitals and schools buildings." Procedia Economics and Finance, 18(2014), 969-976, DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(14)01024-7.
[J32] Cimellaro, G. P., Scura, G., Renschler, C., Reinhorn, A. M., and Kim, H. (2014). "Rapid building damage assessment system using mobile phone technology" Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 13(3), 519-533.
[J31] Cimellaro, G. P., Chiriatti, M., Roh, H., and Reinhorn, A. M. (2014). "Seismic performance of industrial sheds and liquefaction effects during May 2012 Emilia Earthquakes sequence in Northern Italy." Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 8(2), 23, DOI: 10.1142/S1793431114500092.
[J30] Cimellaro, G. P., and De Stefano, A. (2014). "Ambient vibration tests of XV century renaissance palace after 2012 Emilia Earthquake in Northern Italy." Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, An International Journal 1(2), 231-247.
[J29] Cimellaro, G. P., and Solari, D. (2014). "Considerations about the optimal period range to evaluate the weight coefficient of coupled resilience index." Engineering Structures, 69(2014), 12-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.03.003.
[J28] Cimellaro, G. P., Solari, D., and Bruneau, M. (2014). "Physical infrastructure Interdependency and regional resilience index after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 43(12), 1763-1784. [J27] Cimellaro, G. P., Giovine, T., and Lopez-Garcia, D. (2014). "Bidirectional Pushover analysis of irregular structures." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 140(9), 04014059 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001032
Conference Proceedings
Year 2023
[C211] Pellecchia, C., Cimellaro, G. P., Cardoni, A., Khalil, A. A., and De Iuliis, E. (2023). "Seismic-collapse selective retrofitting using the Applied Element Method." EMI 2023 International Conference, August 27-30 2023, Palermo.
[C210] Cardoni, A., Tarantini, R., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Indoor tracking using unmanned aerial vehicles." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
[C209] Cardoni, A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Metrics for evaluating the seismic vulnerability of telecommunication networks." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
[C208] Cardoni, A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Seismic vulnerability assessment of an urban natural gas network." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
[C207] Pellecchia, C., Cardoni, A., Cimellaro, G. P., and Khalil, A. A. (2023). "Damage pattern analysis of the Transept of the Basilica of Collemaggio employing AEM micro-modelling technique." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
[C206] Elahi, A. R., Cardoni, A., Pellecchia, C., Buonfiglio, M., Rossi, F. M., Federico, E., Pacciani, F., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Dynamic characterization of the Circus Maximum archeological site." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
[C205] Elahi, A. R., Cardoni, A., Pellecchia, C., Carnabuci, E., Pacciani, F., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2023). "Dynamic characterization of the Mithraeum of the Circus Maximum." 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2023, 12-14 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
Year 2022
[C204] Elahi, A. R., Cardoni, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Automating the Frequency Domain Decomposition Technique Using the Modal Assurance Criterion." World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures (WCSI 2022), G. P. Cimellaro, ed., Springer, Cham, Turin, Italy, 1063–1073.
[C203] Tarantini, R., Cardoni, A., Marasco, S., Merlin, J., Rupolo, G. L., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "Dynamic Characterisation and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Masonry Port Structures." World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures (WCSI 2022), G. P. Cimellaro, ed., Springer, Cham, Turin, Italy, 1032-1042.
[C202] De Iuliis, M., Cardoni, A., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2022). "State-of-the-Art of Resilience Using Bibliometric Analysis." World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures (WCSI 2022), G. P. Cimellaro, ed., Springer, Cham, Turin, Italy, 589–598.
Year 2021
[C201] Domaneschi, M., Tanganelli, M., Viti, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2021). "vulnerability of art works to blast hazard: the fountain of Neptune in Florence." 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - COMPDYN 2021Athens, Greece.
Year 2020
[C200] G.P. Cimellaro, M. Domaneschi, A. Zamani Noori, V. Villa, (2020) “Vulnerability assessment of a civic tower performing ambient vibration tests”, The Fifth Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ASEA SEC 5), Christchurch, New Zealand, November 30 - December 3, 2020.
[C199] Cimellaro, G. P., Apostoliti, C., and Domaneschi, M. (2020). "Indoor tracking of victims during emergencies using Unmanned Areal Vehicles." IABSE Congress, Christchurch 2020Christchurch, New Zealand.
[C198] Cardoni, A., Fayaz, J., Zareian, F., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Utilizing simulated ground motion for quantification of highway network performance during moderate seismic events." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C197] Cardoni, A., Zamani-Noori, A., Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Debris estimation generated from seismic damage and road network interdependence." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C196] Cimellaro, G. P., Marasco, S., Cardoni, A., and Iuliis, M. D. (2020). "Large scale simulations of cities using virtual reality." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C195] Domaneschi, M., Zamani-Noori, A., Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Modelling an historic masonry tower for seismic vulnerability assessment." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C194] Iuliis, M. D., Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., and Tesfamaraim, S. (2020). "Downtime estimation of buildings and infrastructures using fuzzy logic." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C193] Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Genetic algorithm strategy for evaluating fundamental period of vertical irregular frames with different geometrical and mechanical parameters." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C192] Marasco, S., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "A new finite element method for earthquake simulation of large scale urban areas." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C191] Marasco, S., Zamani-Noori, A., Cardoni, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "Investigating the seismic vulnerability of historical artifacts: experimental test and analytical formulation through evolutionary algorithm " 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C190] Marasco, S., Zamani-Noori, A., Cardoni, A., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "A new framework to estimate the probability of fire following earthquake." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C189] Zamani-Noori, A., Cardoni, A., Marasco, S., Domaneschi, M., and Cimellaro, G. P. (2020). "A simplified method to assess the seismic vulnerability of school buildings." 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, September 13-18, 2020, Sendai, Japan.
[C188] Cimellaro, G. P., Cardoni, A., Iuliis, M. D., and Lee, D. (2020). "Keynote Lecture: Civil Engineering Approach to Alleviate and Manage Poverty in Developing Countries." 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics13-16 July 2020, IISc Bangalore, India.
[C187] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., Marano, G. C., Morgese, M., Pellecchia, C., and Khalil, A. A. (2020). "Numerical simulations of collapse tests on RC beams." 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, Sapporo, Japan.
[C186] Domaneschi, M., De_Gaetano, A. , Cimellaro, G. P., and Casas, J. R. (2020). "Seismic Performance of deteriorating concrete bridges " 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, Sapporo, Japan.
[C185] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., Ansari, F., and Inaudi, D. (2020). "Embedded fiber-optic sensors in reinforced concrete elements of bridge structures " 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, Sapporo, Japan.
[C184] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., Iuliis, M. D., and Marano, G. C. (2020). "Laboratory Investigation of Digital Image Correlation Techniques for Structural Assessment " 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, Sapporo, Japan.
[C183] Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., Morgese, M., and Ansari, F. (2020). "Safety of existing infrastructures: the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa " 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, Sapporo, Japan.
[C182] Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., and Zamani-Noori, A. (2020). "SHM for safety assessment of school buildings." 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) Palermo.
[C181] Domaneschi, M., Cimellaro, G. P., and Ansari, F. (2020). "Fiber optic sensors to monitor corrosion degradation in structures and infrastructures." 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) Palermo.
[C180] Apostoliti, C., Cimellaro, G. P., and Domaneschi, M. (2020). "Low-cost and High-performance Wireless Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring Applications in civil engineering." 7th European Conference on Structural control 7ECSCJul 12-15, 2020, Warsaw, Poland.
[C179] Cimellaro, G. P., Apostoliti, C., Zamani-Noori, A., and Domaneschi, M. (2020). "Unmanned aerial vehicles for indoor tracking of victims during emergency." 7th European Conference on Structural Control 7ECSC, Jul 12-15, 2020, Warsaw, Poland.
[C178] Cimellaro, G. P., De_Iuliis, M., and Lee, D. (2020). "Measures to improve resilience and manage poverty in developing countries." 10th International Conference On Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - ACSM 2020, Hotel Lebua at State Tower Bangkok, Thailand.