Student Teams

student teams

Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud - CMMS

Turin, Italy – April 2013/ October 2013

The aim of the project was to identify and communicate, with the participation of the residents and thanks to the use of new technologies, the barriers (physical and cultural) that prevent residents from making use of the public space in the Mirafiori Sud district.

The information gathered, processed and classified, is made available through an online platform.

Citizens are active parties: using crowdmap, the open-source tool created by Ushahidi, everyone can send by mobile phone problems, proposals and the things that work well in their district, thus feeding a process of complete and transparent participation. 

Anpil Pay​

Italy/Haiti – March 2015/ January 2016

The workshop had two objectives, developing a press for straw balls and a housing prototype with straw bales that could adapt to Haiti’s context. It was carried out in collaboration with Architettura senza Frontiere Piemonte ONLUS, CISV (Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontario) and TNE (Torino Nuova Economia), thanks to the financial contribution from Politecnico di Torino for student’s activities.

It involved students from architecture and engineering.

Building with community

Oaxaca, Messico – November 2011/ June 2012

“Building with community” is a cooperation project with the UNAM (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico) and the Archintorno Association. It is part of a bigger programme that the C.A.M.P.O NGO is working on, since 2009, with the objective of creating technological innovation processes trough the “pisè constructive technique” transfer.

The aim is a sustainable local development in the indigenous communities of the Mexican region Oaxaca.

After a workshop with the students, a Microregional Center in the rural village of Pensamiento Liberal Mexicano was built.


Design Studio