About us

H2politO team is composed by students from Politecnico di Torino. Each one, with different profiles and school experiences. The interaction of the different engineering disciplines (Aerospace, Automotive, Cinema and communication media, Electronics, Energetics, Management, Information technology, Mathematics, Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics), contributes year after year to its continuous improvement. Distinguished for the course of study and personal attitudes, students are divided into work areas, each coordinated by a manager.


This division works on the modeling of every kind of surface, external and internal, of the veichle, and studies the optimization of its shape thanks to CFD analysis. Then the team procedes to experimental validation in the wind tunnel. It deals also with the thermal analysis of the powertrain.

Electronics and Informatics

The area is divided into digital electronics and control electronics. The division develops and assembles electronic boards for vehicles. On the IDRA prototype it manages the interaction between Fuel Cell and electric motor, while on the Urban Concept JUNO it manages the ICE.

Fuel Cell

The area deals with both laboratory tests and Fuel Cell simulation, as well as its management on board IDRA. The goal is the efficiency optimization with the minimum use of hydrogen, with particular attention to the control of auxiliaries and fans.

ICE (Internal Combustion Engine)

It manages the internal combustion engine, and the systems connected to that, it modifies its map, identifies the right combination of fuel, air and injection time to obtain optimal torque and power in any situation, reducing consumption.

Social Media & Management

That area manages the relationship between the team and the outside, in particular with sponsors and suppliers, it deals with the management of social networks (website, Facebook, Instagram,…). It defines the communication strategy, with the aim of winning the Communication Award (off track of the Shell Eco Marathon that rewards the most original and innovative communication plan).


The main objective of the area is the design for vehicles’ mass reduction, using innovative materials (aluminum and titanium alloys, carbon fiber). It also deals with the improvement of the efficiency in the transmission of the motion from the steering wheel to the tyre, ensuring structural rigidity for vehicle and pilot safety.


It uses different simulation software and develops virtual models of vehicles, performing validation with on-track tests. It analyzes the track layout and establish, after appropriate simulations, the best set up for the vehicles. It keeps the radio contact with the driver to assist him throughout the competition, updating the strategy in real time.


Being the driver of IDRA or JUNO means, first of all, having the passion for cars,even if they move at 25 km/h, always have the calm and lucidity necessary to face the competition,even when you have little visibility and other vehicles around you, or when you know it's the last try and you need to give your best, knowing that you have to listen carefully to the strategy to get to the end of the competition in the expected time and with the best result.


Dedicate its strength to prepare the urban concept JUNO for the autonomous Shell Eco-Marathon competition. It is contituted by the hardware subdivision and the software subdivision. We are interested in the control of actuators, circuits, neural networks, ROS, and everything that allows the evolution of JUNO into an Autonomous Urban Concept.