ArCH dataset

ArCH dataset

Al via un set di dati sulle nuvole di punti di beni culturali, già classificate a seguito di un processo di segmentazione semantica. Il dataset proposto, chiamato ArCH - Architectural Cultural Heritage, è disponibile al sito:

A Benchmark for large-scale heritage point clouds, already classified after a semantic segmentation process is here available:



Il progetto di International Cooperation & Capacity Building per supportare le operazioni umanitarie sperimentali di payload delivery utilizzando droni, per vaccini e medicinali, tenutosi dal 23 febbraio al 5 marzo 2020.

From 23 February to 5 March 2020: The UP4DREAM project was held in Malawi (Africa) to assist humanitarian operations.



Dal 13 al 19 luglio 2019 si è svolto sul “Vallone d’Elva” l’annuale appuntamento con le attività del Team DIRECT, coinvolgendo oltre 20 studenti in un rilievo multi-disciplinare, per la messa in sicurezza e la valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico.

From 13 to 19 July 2019: Multi-disciplinary survey in Elva with over 20 students during the annual appointment with the activities of the DIRECT Team.

Geomatics and BIM

10/05/2018: We report the study day YOUNG RESEARCHES: GEOMATICS and BIM, which will take place in Mantua on 10 May 2018, within the Mantova Architettura event. The day aims to be a first meeting, reflection and discussion between those involved in this sector. The meeting is aimed at young generations (grant holders, doctoral candidates and


20/04/2018: Meeting about the project named “RESCULT: Increasing Resilience of Cultural heritage: a supporting decision tool for the safeguarding of cultural assets” with CORILA (Venice) collaborators. It is a research project based on resilience applied to cultural heritage.

Orientation Salon

16/04/2018 – 17/04/2018: Event “Orientati al Futuro”. The Orientation Salon will be organized at the Turin Polytechnic’s headquarters in Corso Castelfidardo 42, with the DIRECT (DIsaster RECovery Team) team taking part. On both days, the event will include the official presentation of the degree courses and Master’s Degree programs for secondary school students and for three-year graduates

Dronitaly – Working with drones

23/03/2018 – 24/03/2018: Event Dronitaly 2018, the Milanese appointment dedicated to civil drones for professional use, now in its fourth edition, attended by the Turin Polytechnic. The following projects were presented: “Use of remotely piloted aircraft (apr) for the integrated survey of the architectural heritage” by Francesco Coniglione, Marco Zerbinatti and Francesca Matrone (who held the
