The Team Direct (DIsaster REcovery Team) is made up of ​​architecture and engineering’s students who have as goal the establishment of a continuing and active student training in the field of 3D Metric Survey, Remote Sensing, cartography and WebGIS systems in all phases of Disaster Management (DM): from the analysis of environmental vulnerability to the immediate response of the emergencies and of the post disaster survey. Activities take place on two different times: the first one is linked to training in university with lessons taught by the tutors, and the other one is a training course on the survey site.The team work result is available for environmental emergencies, or addressed to cultural heritage subjected to emergencies (Team Website).

The project is developed in collaboration with ITHACA, and provides the direct involvement of different organizations:

  • International: World Food Programme (WFP), High Commissioner for the Refugees (UNHCR), World Bank, European Commission.
  • National: Department of Civil Protection (DPC), Regional Civil Protection, Provincial Civil Protection, Civil Protection of Turin, Turin Provincial Command of fire fighters – emergency planning office (TAS industry and Volixxx), Various Volunteer Associations.


The POLICYCLE project (POLItecnico for a suitable CYCLing Environment) is focused on cycling mobility through the use of 3D metric survey techniques, remote sensing, acquisition of data from mobile platform (GPS receivers, cameras, etc.), useful for the preparation of cycle graphs used in WebGIS systems (or mobile app) for the definition of itinerary and the monitoring of the bike mobility in a collaborative environment (crowdsourcing) (Team Website).

The assumption is that a sustainable mobility is an essential value, which promotes a zero environmental impact and the maintaining of a preparatory physical activity in order to decrease the level of all the pathologies associated with the use of classical massive mobility (i.e. respiratory disorders, stress and high level of accidents).

The project involves student teams based on Geomatics topics and teachers of the departments of environmental, land and infrastructure engineering (DIATI), Architecture and Design (DAD), inter-university department of science, land project and policies (DIST).
