Maria Adele Taramasso holds a MSc in Energy and Nuclear Engineering with a major on Renewable Energy Systems from Politecnico di Torino. During her studies she carried out an internship on propane de-hydrogenation at the Supren research group, in the department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao. During her master’s thesis, carried out at the start-up Aquaseek, she simulated on the Simcenter Amesim software a heat pump for the supply of regenerative heat in a process of Atmospheric Water Harvesting in desert areas for humanitarian purposes, confronting the experimental results with the ones of a prototype test bench. She is now a researcher at DIATI, Politecnico di Torino, and she carries out a research project on the district geothermal heating network with heath pumps powered by groundwater from a dismissed mining area.