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On the TerritoryAlbum

Dora and Po rivers
Borgo Dora
The Arsenal
The Factory for hydraulic Experiments at the Parella
The Academy of Science
The Valentino Castle
The Valentino Park
The Royal Industrial Museum
The head office of Corso Duca degli Abruzzi
The Railways
The Large Industry

Designs and Hopes
Factory for Hydraulic Experiments at the Parella FACTORY FOR HYDRAULIC EXPERIMENTS AT THE PARELLA

In 1765 the king Carlo Emanuele III, careful to the transformations under process in the society which involved more and more the scientific knowledge and its applications "to the benefit of the mutual society" decreed the birth of a Factory for Hydraulic Experiments.
This arose next to Parella farm, along the road to France, at the West of the town and was led by the teacher in hydraulics Francesco Domenico Michelotti.
In the factory plants, experiments and tests for measuring waters were performed. The factory function was not only of research but mainly of "normalisation body" in the use of hydraulic resources in the Country. In Piedmont, the hydraulics will have a very famous school mainly represented by Giorgio Bidone and later by Prospero Richelmy

Parella plants for hydraulic experiments